
Sell them like the HP Touchpad fire sale and you’ve got yourself a deal

but there were some of us that lusted for the annual Radio Shack catalog.

That’s almost exactly why I said CP... German wagon with a snail sound fun until you get the mechanics bill

What category is creativity?

How the hell is it supposed to go 88 MPH?

How the hell is it supposed to go 88 MPH?

the best practice would be to blow rather than suck

Top up or down... I vote down

Damn... if I were 20 again I would join just for the discounts

Should have cut the blue wire...

Agreed... I think it’s fine the way it is and the residents are a bunch of crybabies. If I were in charge I would only consider changing it based on accident statistics and so on... if it’s not causing problems then the intersection is probably fine

Bruce Willis had hair? I thought he was like Charlie Brown or something and was always bald

It ages in the paper bag...

It’s there so you won’t need to stop and get erections

Needs a Fricken’ “Laser”

True but I don’t know if you can fit an entire body in the “Frunk” and that’s kind of the defining characteristic of a vehicle... for me anyways

I see a scary Halloween mask right in the middle

Matt Lauer is available and he has a sex dungeon

1,260 HP!

Can I buy it with Assfault Ate Tokens?

I vote Corolla GTS