
Is there a way to choose a working “Non Moldy” ice cream machine

What if you made a cinnamon roll log... instead of slicing it just cook the log as is? Would you cook it longer at a reduced temp?

There is a Hip-Hop style song from about 10yrs ago that has Babylon in the title or group name and that’s all I remember and I’ve searched everything.

And as a bonus you can blow through stop lights while pretending to be Chief Boden of Chicago Fire

Ooo... that’s almost a little too cool for school/right on the verge of being stylish

You could always DIY it... Not a wagon but I just couldn’t help myself

1992 Volvo 960

Yeah, maybe the next one’s going to be a rotary

Why not a diesel supercar... Buggery (Bugatti) is owned by VW after all

Wether Ewe think so or not that wasn’t funny

I was going to say it was the most Beige vehicle ever (Beige meaning it looks like Everycar)

Cupholders! Does it have more than 8?

A collection of dildos would be hilarious

Not really into Jeeps but you know how they sometimes decide to reinvent the wheel for no fucking reason and cancel a few yrs later?

Only made for 5 yrs... no thank you sir. The Honda Civic and Accord are popular partly because they’ve been around since Jimmy Carter was president, 5 yrs is not enough time for issues to get ironed out.

Bru instant coffee with roast chicory... surprisingly good

Bru instant coffee with roast chicory... surprisingly good

Bean burritos are a must!

Prius lovers rejoice!

It actually doesn’t cost the “taxpayer” anything... your job is to pay tax and that’s it. Once you pay your taxes that money belongs to the government... Not You

I did learn something today though...