
That is one of the things I wanted to say but forgot to mention... I kinda half assed my original comment. I just found this in a search for “is solar power emission free” 

I wish ignorance of this magnitude got people jailed.

I was really just trying to piss off the believers and I know I came off as a bit of a bitch

In your area the power grid is fed by a combination of the following

In your area the power grid is fed by a combination of the following

You just proved my point

I’m not fighting with you but is that really how the power grid works or is it just some BS they feed you so you feel good?

More importantly than zero emissions and saving killing the planet and all of that stuff (because electric cars are powered by coal), electric cars have a lot of torque.

Needs more like a secondary plot where he is seriously convinced he can steal organs/body parts to create the perfect human (Frankenstein ripoff) except the problem is that Frankenstein is really boring

Now playing

You can take a cue from Mythbusters and make some redneck thermite

I would choose multiple 5 day vacations (3 vacation days + a normal weekend) because you get 2 travel days and 3 whole days at your destination.

Is that a cake?

My God, It’s full of Beige!

The actual game mechanics haven’t changed in 20 years... I would be willing to bet money that this game is the same fucking game as every other game of its type.

And Miatas

the plane’s head designer, John Murray Karkow, and the company’s director of engineering, Cagri Sever, both died in a crash in California back in May

Well first of all it’s Jellystone

I like that idea... keeping in mind (in games) you are a thief/murderer it could be a lot of fun