
I looked at the label and SDS for Steri-Lab. It’s actually not that bad when it comes to insecticides. It’s mostly rubbing alcohol (2-propanol or isopropanol), 0.22% of the common synthetic pyrethroid pesticide sumithrin and about 0.2% of a quaternary ammonia cationic surfactant which are commonly used as disinfectants


After some research, I found out the sister-in-law did write a biography about Piaf so I feel better about the estate’s involvement in this project. 

Sadly, I don’t think we’re getting more of The Orville. The cast’s contracts expired well before the third season even aired. It’s been a whole year since the third season aired and there hasn’t been anything announced. 

You can get the same thing directly from Vienna for $55 which isn’t a terrible price since most Chicago hot dog joints charge around $4-5 for one now.

Unless you work at a fast food restaurant, you won’t have enough pickle juice to brine an entire turkey.

Her estate passed to her husband when she died and the estate passed to the sisters when he died. She probably didn’t have a will so that’s how her estate went to her sisters-in-law.

I’m usually fine with these types of things if the estate approves them. However in this case, the two sisters of her second husband whom she was only married to for a year doesn’t seem like that strong of a bond. 

If you do take them up on this offer, please remember to tip on the full value of the service and not the discounted rate. 

Not a joke. She legit has a cooking show on Fox Nation.

I thought James L. Brooks hasn’t had much involvement with the Simpsons since the movie over 15 years ago. 

The real test will be to see if he pops up on any TV cooking shows. Maybe he’ll get his own cooking show on Fox Nation like Paula Deen. 

Garfield was big in the mid-eighties to mid-nineties. That’s when his tv specials and then his TV show came out. There was a ton of merchandise during that time too. 

Marketing for this movie was horrible. A lot of that had to do with the actors strike, but Marvel didn’t do a good job getting the word out.

Joe Kerry is already 31. He’s going to be join AARP before the final season is out. 

I’m of the belief that hot dogs should only be made out of beef so I can see why that turkey corn dog was disappointing. 

Fox body Mustang!

The Kirkland brand organic tortilla chips at Costco are really good. It’s probably one or two on my list. 

Luckily for Billy Crudup, neither Succession or The White Lotus, which had every single best drama supporting actor Emmy nomination, will be eligible for next year’s Emmys. The field will be wide open next year in the drama category. Since he’s won it before, there’s a good chance he’ll get nominated again especially