And then my husband saved the day.
And then my husband saved the day.
How about just in general:
Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.
Stopped clocks and all that. She’s a terrible dumpster fire of a human being who was perfectly willing to shill her husband’s racist conspiracy theories on television and she whatever she reaps, it is neither more nor less than what the bitch has sown.
Half of the married people in America don’t go on television to promote their husband’s explicitly racist narratives. Viola was being kind if anything.
Trying to pretend like some of us do remember Melania peddling that racist birther bullshit back when she was hawking her horrible line of jewelry or face care. Whatever it was, it was a lie.
She is so fricking gorgeous. That is all.
The Met is run for the benefit of its superrich donors, for whom ostentatious “charity” is a way to stroke their egos by slapping their names across things of genuine value. They include the Sackler family that made kajillions from pushing OxyContin across America:
In FUCKING Florida !!!!!!!
It must be nice to not get shot after kicking a cop.
She knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.
This is what I’m saying. I’d be jell as hell if my prettier, younger, able-bodied sister I never really liked snagged a legit prince who never had to worry about becoming King, but you better believe I’d play that long game like Bobby fucking Fischer. That sort of access buys a lot of pillows to scream into, or at…
It is absolutely unconscionable to me that republican voters keep voting republican, when the people you are electing will never EVER stop showing you how pathetic they think you are.
Oh Pamela, better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.
Seriously, we’ve been hearing about Lauer for years. No way they don’t know he’s an asshole. And double fuck him for the way he went after Clinton as opposed to trump. Guthrie did the same shit. Clinton comes on, and she gets serious face and puts on her big journalism pants. Fuck. These. People.
Argh! I knew I wouldn’t be the first to post an Ann Curry Celebration gif, and this one surely won’t be beat.
Does anyone buy, for even a minute, that Guthrie and the rest knew nothing about Lauer’s long-rumored issues? Please. Burn it all down. Starting with rapist trump.
I was gonna post the same thing: Who the hell thought that movie wasn’t inappropriate in the first place. A 17 year old girl and a 68 year old man? Yeah, ok, sure.