Blob Loblaw

Ellaria definitely doesn't count as a death, but… Tyene and Olenna are most certainly dead for all intents and purposes. They just didn't die on-screen.

I doubt they would count her, since Cersei makes a point about keeping her alive to watch her daughter rot, forcefeeding her if they have to and whatnot.
Not reappearing on the show doesn't count as death. Tyene and Olenna on the other hand have been given a deadly poison, so while we won't actually see them die, we

I think it'll be happy-ish.

Robb won literally every battle. I think Tywin at one point asks Arya if she believes the rumor Robb is immortal or invincible, or something. She answers something like "Everybody dies."

This is basically the first seasons in reverse. Season 2-3, we saw Robb winning, only to end up losing. Now, we're seeing Cersei win, only to end up losing in the end.
Also, I'm loving all the callbacks to show history this season. Davos and Tyrion being at opposite ends of the battle of Blackwater, for instance, was

The question is whether they count Tyene and Olenna as deaths, since they didn't actually die quite yet before the credits rolled.

Late, but I agree, especially on the Amenita getting to meet everyone part. I would've liked to see that. I don't mind the others as much, as they've all sort of met already, bu Amenita only knows these people through Nomi. At least we got that little interaction with Riley a few eps back. You could see how excited

Looks like Varys.

But also, that ass, though…

I just remember Hannibal and cannon fodder.

Oh my god, is Hot Pie gonna end up on the iron throne?
*new theory blows up the internet*

People should be able to deduct those ere the sand snakes though, since those were the two female characters killed on-screen, and like hell would they kill Yara and Ellaria off-screen.


On the other hand, we also know now exactly how evil he was, which (I think) wasn't as widely known back then.

One day, when we can all look back and say "wtf was that?" I would really like to see a Trump: Made in America documentary like they did for OJ, because I'd still like to figure out how the fuck this happened, and they had the same kind of media circus around them.

I thought it was established in the show as well?

That was such a weird line. It wasn't played as funny at all. I'm guessing the reviewer was referring to the pie cut..

I personally don't give a shit, but some people deliberately avoid trailers and teasers to avoid spoilers like these. I can understand the frustration.

I'd say they were unnamed?

I agree… But no one of note doesn't necessarily mean no one that's named. Not all named characters are of note, after all. But I expect ep. 1 to be mostly setting things up. Then again, there might be some small council members who don't make it.