Blob Loblaw

Cheating isn't a feminist issue. We're all sexual beings. Men cheat on women, women cheat on men, men cheat on men, women cheat on women. This is all some bullshit.

I think his point is that these women were throwing themselves at him, and he wasn't used to the attention, which I can imagine would be hard to resist. I don't think it's an excuse but an admission of weakness.

Oh, you don't get it. There are no grey areas anymore.

Wow. I don't think shell live to deliver the baby, but wow, that theory holds up.

I used to think that as well, but then I realized we don't have a face and name for any of the Dothraki. So is it really necessary for the Wildlings to have one?

Maybe Thoros can't bring Beric back from the dead if the Night King brings him back first.

My season long Forgetting They're All The Same Actress has been that once I caught on to what they were doing, I really appreciated them giving each of the main cast their own spotlight episode.

What was left unfinished on Veronica Mars? It's been a while since I watched it, but I recall the story was done in the end?

As much as I sympathized with Rachel in the end and sorta like where her story took her, she would've made a far more compelling final villain.
Edit: That said, it wouldn't exactly fit with the overarching themes of the show. Rachel, despite her actions in the show, was a victim as much as the other clones.

I hope not, because that would make me weird.

I'll take the Elbow-Tron 5700 over the electoral college.

I can't believe I just witnessed a panty shot of a car. Can't get weirder than this, can it?

Is there anyone that doesn't have a thing about their eyes? I think eyeball horror is the cringiest for everyone.

Seriously. I'd go so far as to say she didn't look like Alison anymore.

Why? Given that there would be only a handful of named characters in the battle. Jaime, Bronn, the Tarlys, Dany, the Dragons, maybe Tyrion and Missandei… Didn't think the death count would be over three. My money was on one of the Tarlys. Figured there'd be a death on the Lannister side, but Dany had suffered too many

One of them is enough to finish business.

If they were a real betting organization, their losses would've been astronomical by now.

That was Tyrion's version of "people are saying…." Yes, Tyrion is basically Trump.

Tyrion was working with limited information though. He didn't know Casterly Rock was useless as he still thinks it's the source of wealth for the Lannisters. It makes sense to assume they'd want to hold it.
Now, as for breaking up the gang to begin with… I blame plot.

To be fair, he didn't know the Lannister mines had run dry, so he could never have predicted they'd leave Casterley Rock wide open. It's reasonable to assume they'd want to protect their source of wealth, and it would be good strategy to cut them off from it… Alas, Casterly Rock was useless and Tyrion didn't know.