Blob Loblaw

One might argue that Trump did as well. I don't know how much scheming was involved, but he did manage to snag the presidency somehow.

You must've forgotten about all those red hats.

Plot twist: There's a zipper in the back.

"Ah yes, I hear they do this in the inner cities. Tremendous."

I long for the day when Trump pulls at someone's hand in his signature move and the hand comes off, revealing that his intended victim had been holding a fake hand under his sleeve in preparation.

They must've been thinking "Shit, now we gotta follow up that…"

Me too. it was gloriously beautiful. Imagine being present for that.

Huh. That has actually never occurred to me. What is up with Aunt May being elderly in the comics?

The sad part was that the shower-torture scene was based on a true story.

Hah! I'll leave it.

I hope Bob does sue John Oliver and it becomes a pubic spectacle heavily covered throughout the news which leads even more people to see this piece. Streisand effect, bitch!

Okay, when was it made clear that they knew then?

Did they know? I don't recall the other guards knowing anything about Humps' torture of Maritza.

Thanks for the spoiler, I guess?

Isn't that sort of blaming the candidate for an obnoxious section of their supporters though? Bernie threw his support behind Hillary in the end.

Eh, I think it's not the same thing. The clusters are a fantasy element in the show. They drive the story. It's world-building. To accept the wine bottle blowing up, we have to accept flammable wine as another fantasy element in this world, which is just silly.

But it doesn't say anything except that he associates working in the field with slavery, which isn't exactly a stretch as that is the most commonly depicted way slaves were used. "I will put you to work in the fields" is about 99% likely to be used as a threat in any movie to TV show covering slavery. I don't see how

Seriously. This is some epic "putting words in someone's mouth" on display here.

I'm not arguing that him using that word was okay though. He's an idiot for not seeing how offensive it would be.
I'm referring specifically to your line "When Sasse brought up working in fields, Maher's mind immediately went to slavery."
Because that seems to suggest that it says something about Maher, if his mind

You may have never used that word, but you do understand that there are in fact black people who use that word, don't you?
Johnny's point isn't that he has black friends and that makes it okay, but that having black friends who might use that word a lot which can make a person more comfortable with it.
That doesn't