Blob Loblaw

Okay, but that doesn't mean that just because a Nebraskan used that phrase, someone else's mind can't make that association, does it? If I associate a word or phrase with a certain thing, then it doesn't really matter who uses it. My mind will go to that thing regardless.
I don't excuse him using the word, as he

I don't support white people using the word, but it could be argued that the casual use in the black community normalizes the word in any context outside of a racist one.. It's less about it being a forbidden fruit and more that if you are around people who casually use this word a lot, then you are more prone to

Honest question: Is the fact that his mind went directly to slavery an issue? I'm European and a non-native English speaker who learned most of it from watching TV and movies…. And my mind also went directly to slavery when I heard the phrase "in the fields." Honestly, I don't think I ever heard that phrase in a

Huh. I too thought that Mitsuha was into the older girl, and she was sad that Taki got to go on the date instead of her. It's funny, because at the start when they were bickering over notes, I figured they would eventually fall for each other, and I was surprised that Mitsuha's apparent infatuation with the other girl

He's only hurting women? What are you on about?

This is indicative of the whole argument against this showing. "I bitch because I think you'd bitch if roles reversed."

How on earth is Bob Morley the same age as me? Life's just not fair, is it?

Of course, you're assuming the existing couples lasted six years…

Yeah, these characters really evolved. Nobody turned out to be the person you thought they were in the first few episodes.

At least Pike arguably had good reason to be fearful of Grounders. At that point we, the audience, had seen the other side of them, but he had only experienced murderous Azgeda. They didn't make a great first impression on the 100 either. It's mostly because of Lincoln that bridges were formed.

On the other hand, isn't she supposed to be dying anyway? She has the same condition Raven had, didn't she? And she didn't get cured?

This episode felt laughably bad to me. So many plot holes. They make a whole point about the fire forcing the doors to open, and then the fire-exit is closed? The fire magically disappears when Ben has to run up and save Stephanie? Stephanie and the girl are in a stairwell filled with smoke but somehow they don't

All of this, plus, how did they not suffocate being trapped in a stairwell full of smoke?

Especially after they made a whole point about the fire opening ALL the doors in the hospital.

Yeah, that's where I had to do an Anthony Cooper eye-roll. Of all the random doors to pick, of course it's the abandoned floor.

Now you're making me feel really dumb because I would not have known that…

And also, the guy stumbles through a door with a knife to her throat in the most conspicuous manner; so lucky it just happens to be an abandoned floor. I mean, really?

Also, after having a whole episode about how she desperately needs counseling, Webber is like "Ah, never mind, just come back to work."

Yes, keep the discussion boards going please

Are you suggesting that her mastering the art of physical combat in a matter of months (right?) to the point that she holds her own against lifelong warriors is somehow less than realistic?