Blob Loblaw

Shhh.. I'm hoping this mean they'll replace him with another actor.. Of course, knowing this show, they'll probably have him grow a beard or something more stupid.

Yeah, I liked Veronica, but I was really rooting for Logan, that loveable scamp.

Owen doesn't know about the traumatic experience with her last kid though, does he? Did I zone out again while watching this show?

I just saw this movie. I heard good things about it, but still was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The opening scene alone made me go like, hmmm… This might actually be quite good.

Yeah. This show is the biggest argument for the idea that Superman's Clark Kent disguise might actually work in real life.

She's excellent in the role, and I love her, and I want all the awards for her… But to be honest, the whole villain exposition monologue was my first gripe with the show, the sorta-lapdance she gave while delivering it didn't help. Though I don't blame the actress for neither of those things.

Nahh, that theory doesn't make sense with what it told him.

I know Geert is a big fan of dutch culture and traditions though, so I hope he can at least appreciate that Dutch down-to-earthiness is still very much a thing.

This is what I was thinking. They're probably shooting for another shared universe type of thing.

Yeah, it's not as memorable as some of the other Disney movies. When I recently rewatched the classics though, I was surprised that I actually liked Tarzan some who I had remembered more fondly. Like, I didn't enjoy Aladdin as much (mostly because the Genie really didn't work for my adult self… way too hyper.)

Agreed. Tarzan holds up well, and the animation was excellent. When he slides down those branches, it's awesome.

Spike had so many line deliveries that deserve to be of-all-time though.

I break out in giggles every time I think back to a specific moment. It's the best.

I want her to get all the awards. She's riveting.

Yes, and the Sakaar people also give him hair gel.

I always thought Angel was boring as hell on Buffy (he became better on his own show) and I was a big fan of Xander, but that was an asshole-move.

I'm not ashamed to admit I went through quite a phase where everything was "bloody this and bloody that."

No, I mean he wasn't charged with sexual assault. That's not what the lawsuits were about. I do disagree with the notion that a settlement is always an admission of guilt, even though I do not think Affleck is innocent.

I actually think he's talking about this specific case, since Affleck was never actually charged with sexual assault.

Maybe not for you and me, but for someone who has never been exposed to any kind of technology, save for the chip?