Blob Loblaw

Ilian has not been exposed to technology save for the chip. How does he even have a concept of what cables would be?

Here's what I'm wondering though… How the hell did Ilian, grounder who grows up in the wilderness, know his way around a space-ship and tp the point he knows the exact spot he can blow it to pieces?

I'm more perturbed by the fact that somehow Ilian somehow knew exactly where to set the ship ablaze despite growing up in wilderness. What did he do, ask for directions? "Say, you there, you know where I might find the best spot to blow up this entire ship?"

Okay, okay, I'm moving it to the top of my list.

Trump is also a realty TV star, which makes him pop culture.

Nope. Kissing and hugging happened.

Yeah, this is just the internet pretending it can read minds and turning something into something it likely isn't.

Wow. Way to judge people for a speech impediment.

What happened last week was there was a complication in surgery, and as Webber said, it could've happened to anyone and not even the attending attendings caught it before the resident did. Also, in-universe, her teaching method is supposed to have an amazing track-record in teaching residents. If anything, all these

If this is really supposed to be a Trump metaphor, then I guess I'm team Trump. Team Webber is acting incredibly unprofessional, and apparently would rather have a hospital without a chief of general than have someone qualified step up. Also, in the show's canon, Minnick's system for teaching resident is supposed to

Thank you! I felt like I was the only one who felt this way. The doctors who we apparently are supposed to root for are acting like petty entitled children and are completely unprofessional. I mean, what? The hospital is better off without a qualified chief of general surgery? That's better for the patients somehow?

They did used to call Bailey the Nazi though.

Trump is on his period all the time though.

I thought they were the group that whats-her-face got tied up in for an episode and she promised not to tell anyone about. The female-only group. I don't believe I saw any guys among them.

Jesus, I actually forgot about Monty having to kill his mom. Jesus, this show, man.

Yeah, Lewis had had more to do in this one season than Erica in three seasons combined..

You must've forgotten Hamilton's "harassment" of Pence…

Autopsy of Jane Doe was pretty good too.

I came across it the other day as well. I thought, " Why would they change the name to Zootropolis. Seems unnecessary."

Alt-right now boycotting Zootopia for anti-Trump messages.