Blob Loblaw

Yeah, I thought that was very thoughtless on the OitNB article, and then to precede the actual text with a spoiler warning. Really makes you wonder what they were thinking.

Yeah, one of the nice touches in this episode that I think got overlooked was how Rachel cowered when Jay approached her. She took a step back when he physically got in her face and briefly looked at his raised hand with this scared look on her face. You could see the fear that she was about to be hit again.

They wanted to show that even a big-time NFL football player isn't safe from racial profiling. They didn't want to present him as a criminal. They wanted to present him as the perfect gentleman and potential husband and football star that still gets pulled over by the cops and put in handcuffs.

Ooohh, nice observation. I just got that. And her sister actually sticks up for Valencia at some point. "Valencia is a wonderful girl."

I haven't read the article yet… But why put a thoughtful spoiler warning at the top of the article and then add a cover image that spoils the last scene.

Yeah, this guy doesn't seem scary. Looks like a frat guy dressed up for halloween.

I wish they would've gone with either of those. This guy feels like they wanted to make Pennywise handsome to appeal to teenage girls or something.

"I put the OG in 5.0 GPA."

Wtf is wrong with Eskimo now? I really can't keep up with the PC machine.

I think they identify with the character because they recognize certain moments she finds herself in from their own lives.

I had the exact same thought last week. When she was calling some mysterious person, I though, "Adam's coming back now." But then it didn't happen. But then it happened exactly like that this week. I had to chuckle at it.

Agreed. Especially followed with scrotum - thank-you note 'em rhyme. Who comes up with this!

Oh my god, your comment made me look up the explicit version and it's even better!

That wasn't scripted. Amy Sedaris basically improvised her whole peformance on each rehearsal — Louis wasn't expecting those hugs, for instance. His taken-aback reaction was natural — and she found that sign laying around and took it into the scene.

Just picturing this gave m a good hearty chuckle, So thanks!

I agree that the fake mom was way worse than this.

He said: I cannot explain it. I can only laugh at it, and quote Gene Siskel, who liked to say, "Two things are not debatable: eroticism, and comedy. If you don't think it's sexy, or funny, there's no way I can change your mind."

I was coming here to find one as well, Hope they didn't drop it.

And nobody talks about Maester's Pycelle's whore, who will never get paid for her services. It truly is the common folk that suffer.

Pretty sure he meant Tyrion, who was blamed and put on trial for Joffrey's death.