Blob Loblaw

A lot of eggs that paid off!

That's funny. I thought this was the most un-GoT-like crowd-pleasing episode of GoT ever. I mean, besides Dany riding Drogon's back and layng waste to the master's fleet, Grey Worm finally getting to slice some master throat, Ramsay met the most karmic end out of any character on this show. I wasn't expecting the show

Hah, yeah, just left a similar comment too. Funny how the reviewer thought that Waldo inciting violence was "even harder to believe." What difference a few years make!

"Under Jack’s control, Waldo has a nastier, more violent streak to him, and incites crowds into throwing shoes and beating people up. This is even harder to believe, especially in the real-world atmosphere the episode creates"

I It's funny. I think this episode would play a lot better if people watched it now. It's chilling how much resemblance this episode has to the 2016 election with Trump, right down to the inciting violence, which the reviewer dismissed as "even harder to believe."