BLM Bitch

That bit on the progression really gets me excited!

I find Forza and GT7 really boring on this part. You just get cars for playing the game, without second thought.

Gran Turismo 1 to 4 felt special because you worked hard to get your Lancer Evo or your Skyline. And once you got it, you still had to upgrade it, and

But BOTW 2 is set to come out in May. How could we possibly not know about a console coming out in half a year?

Keep politics away from gaming please. Man I miss the 80's and 90's when everyone wasn’t acting like a little b*tch about everything.

sigh sure man but we agree that people should be safe on dating apps right? Like generally if anyone is asking you to do anything especially when money is involved use common sense and not do so right?

Nah, actually it just kinda sounds like you’re trolling people who have a legitimate gripe about how shitty this woman and Patricia are for making these men she manipulated into a punchline.

You forgot one more question. Why was it made into an article?

Please read the earlier comments in the thread. I personally don’t care who received the game. People just need to be careful on dating apps because a lot of accounts on there aren’t looking to date but to scam.

You aren't winning. Just fuck off. 

says the guy who replied first. boy bye

But you replied sigh. Just leave then lmao. bad faith argument from the beginning. go be a good lil burner account and argue an unrelated point with someone else.

Thank you for contributing nothing to my point. typical burner account personality

she didn’t get the game but the thing she wanted was for guys to buy it. People get satisfaction from that so they can discuss their favorite pop culture whatever. We all do it. Recommend stuff to each other.

she did sometimes tell them outright to buy the game”

I see it and completely agree. I almost reply to people before I realize that it’s 3 months old

I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever

Same, for some reason, I just don’t care about Mario Kart. It’s playable, but it’s something that I would only ever play in a group, if that group already wanted to play it. Then again, I rarely care about multiplayer games.

The last one I played was on the Wii (and arcade). Even then, I only played it for about a week and left it. I haven’t looked too much into 8 but it looks like the same thing to me.

I haven’t played Mario Kart since the Wii, so here is an obtuse question. The original and 64 versions were awesome, with awesome tracks. Based on highlights, it looks like the new versions have a fine core, but stray too much, with weird mechanics, a little too fantasy-like course structure, weird vehicles on some

Because thinking about it is free. At $80 right now, it’s a really hard sell to me. Maybe I’ll give it a chance to wow me if it’s $30.

Not a Good Match For: People who don’t like Mario Kart? Do those people exist?