
But what would that take, though? What most people are talking about boils down to spending more to on better hardware. That is not only not a differentiator - it just makes them like Sony and Microsoft - but it also raises the price of the console, where they’ve normally found a place for themselves by undercutting

Uh, no. 1.) No one here expressed any intention to or suggested that someone interfere with anyone’s ability to buy something like this 2.) the argument against something like this DLC existing isn’t taboos. I guarantee you basically nobody on this site subscribes to “Christian modesty culture”. However, a lot of

The Joy-Cons do look horrible. As somebody who’s definitely buying the Switch, I will definitely be buying a pro controller.

Nintendo consoles are always going to be a bad choice for people who don’t care for Nintendo’s kind of games. Nintendo does okay anyways, and it looks like they’ll even do slightly better now than before — having something like Skyrim on the Wii U was unthinkable.

How exactly does freedom relate to Keitaro’s comment?

I don’t know why people thought Nintendo would all of a sudden behave completely differently than they always have.

If she was abused, her abuser is alive, famous, powerful, and extremely tied to people in her life. Even not in that case it can be hard to speak up, because people tend to believe women do it just to sabotage a man.

And that is what a woman who hates women sounds like.