
I drove a 13 Cobra while taking care of it for a friend awhile back. Car was brand new and had plenty of power - handled like a hippo in a tutu. Sure, on a track or sweeping offramp it felt great and it could light the tires easily but it really really just felt big and FAT. All that power and all that mass meant it

Wow another out of control running his mouth idiot - color me surprised. What complete diarrhea of the mouth. Are you frothing yet buffoon? The man tried to exit and was forced over from the right - yes possible as there's a strip of grass between the exit and road. Have you never visited Florida before or do you

Ah yes the "I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT" response, typical. Right. He threatened THEM on the side of the road? Both of them? Wow you surely watched a different video. You truly amuse me there kid.

Actually I'm not convinced that wearing a hood in a church as you describe would be illegal at all and certainly anyone striking such a person would be held for assault. Trespassing? Certainly. Justification for assault? Nope! You seem to have a very strange idea about how the law works, like if something makes you

All of those guys should have acted smarter. However being a Dick isn't illegal and if these guys had real issues with being filmed they should have called 911 and not attempted to take the law into their own hands. It'll be interesting to see what, if any, fallout comes of this.

I'd actually be interested in seeing the full video since so many assumptions are being made about it. I'm quite sure it won't be 45minutes long but it might explain things a bit more. Interesting that the story hasn't had a follow-up yet too.

For starters - not 45minutes of filming, use some common sense. He was speeding to catch up? He clocked the guy at one point doing 53 and cars regularly do 80+ on that road. did he speed? Probably but so was everyone else so unless you had a radar gun you've no proof of it. Proof, that the thing judges and juries look

Actually if it was a police car yeah. So what - it's LEGAL. Don't like it? Maybe vote once in awhile <shrug>

I didn't see him braking hard or changing lanes other than when the A8 jumps in front of him. Most sane folk try to get away from drivers like that. I think it's safe to say he didn't drive that way for 45minutes unless of course the Audi did as well which I doubt.

Guy who was on in his right approaches from behind and left of the car - likely out of sight for part of the time. Both guys with untucked shorts, possible concealed weapons. One of them pulls out something, I can't tell what maybe a phone, but it was an object that was grey - weapon? They came at his door together it

I'm not sure I understand about the dealer - are you saying it was close and they could've fled? They were on the road a pretty long time it seems and probably hauling the car from one place to another and not someplace local although it seems weird to be driving it and not trailering it. It's funny, we have all sorts

I didn't see him go off the highway and back on, I did hear him say that he was hoping to follow the car off the highway and get some pics at a gas station or some other stationary place. He stated that the other guy got off and back on struggling to get ahead of him, he makes no mention of exiting himself and that

That actually appears to be what they attempted at the exit - pulled to the right of him and prevented him from exiting somehow. Limit or no there's legal and illegal. Someone may do something that pisses you off and drives you crazy but is perfectly legal - if you respond with violence it's you not them that sees the

He was following the guy, I doubt he was videotaping the entire time. In particular he mentions the other guy acting a bit less than professional in traffic and doesn't show that - likely he wasn't rolling tape. If that was an HD video camera I also doubt he had enough space onboard for a full 45minute shoot and no

Why do you believe he was filming for that long? Is it not plausible he filmed only when there was something of note to see? Truly amusing that folks think he held a damned video camera in one hand for 45mins much less had the storage capacity for that much data on hand.

What just cause would the Lambo douche have for shooting the photographer? The guy who reached inside of the car was the one threatening and acting angry, I'd have expected him to wind up dead first. Two guys approaching a car they've forced from the road should be smarter than to reach into the same vehicle -

What evidence do you have that he filmed for 45minutes straight? He doesn't say that and appears to be turning the camera on and off to explain the situation as time allowed. Do you have evidence otherwise? What evidence do you have of reckless driving by the Subaru? Other than attempting to pass someone who appears

For an hour? Why yes, yes I have. Every single time I drive down I95 through multiple states to get anywhere. Happens when I leave Orlando airport and head East for the ocean too. I swear it's like all of these cars are going the SAME place I am! I should call the cops next time or maybe a blocker in an Audi?

Perhaps because he was driving and not filming the entire time! SMH! I've watched plenty of dim bulbs do crazy things in traffic only to get caught up in - wait for it - MORE traffic that's allowed me to catch up with them. Think about that the next time some punk in a riced out Honda takes off from a light. Do you

Following him isn't illegal. Driving behind someone on a highway for hours when going in the same direction is also not terribly abnormal. Having someone take video and pictures of a car yet to be released also no unusual and to be expected by any driver of said vehicle. The video is short and doesn't show some of the