
I'd love to have seen how that claim of reckless would've gone. Likely something along the lines of - no officer I was driving just fine when out of nowhere this Audi pulls in front of me and acts like he's drunk. When I tried to extricate myself from the situation by passing the obviously inebriated individual he

It's funny but the only harassing driving I see is by the Audi. Following someone isn't harassment and neither is video taping them in public. Creepy? Sure! Don't like it? Call a cop not some asshat in an Audi who can't drive. the only person I saw nearly causing an accident are the fools that were being video taped.

Actually I believe that in many two party states the recording is allowed if it's to document a crime - in this case assault. The second party was also well aware of the video camera and rather than telling him to stop recording told him to keep it up - is that not consent? ;-)

When did he exit the highway? The only attempted exit was by the Subaru driver who had the Audi attempt to block him by driving to the RIGHT of him - likely on a shoulder. there was no exiting and entering the highway that I saw although I did skip a minute or two. Even if that did occur, so what? Why was the Audi

He was behind the guy, at a respectful distance, traveling below the posted speed limit. I'm struggling to find the aggression here on the part of the Subaru driver. Care to point it out without making suppositions or assumptions for actions not in evidence?

Why stop? Did the law change? No? What he did was legal and to be expected by someone driving such a rare car on PUBLIC roads. Don't like that there's someone filming you? Then call a COP instead of the jackass idiot in the A8. Don't ever try to be a lawyer and please god never approach a car the way these two

There are also stretches of road where limits are as high as 75 if memory serves. I know that at 75 I get PASSED quite a bit!

Sure, pulling up on the shoulder on the right of a car attempting to exit was all his fault right? Preventing him from switching lanes - also his fault? Changing lanes sans signal while brake checking was his fault? Reaching into someone's car and striking them and their property isn't assault? Who was aggressive

Not an STi, a WRX maybe. What he couldn't get away from was the traffic of which there was plenty. He followed as long as he did for the purpose he stated - hoping to get some up close shots at a rest stop or gas station. His job apparently entails catching pics of cars like this and selling them and stationary shots

I drove one of these cars for over 4 YEARS rain sleet and snow. It had something on the order of TEN recalls done to it. Never once did the car ever pull out of the lane nor try to spin while applying brakes - sometimes very hard. I was a young driver at the time as well so I got into all sorts of trouble. My mother

Lighter and much easier to modify for more power right off the bat. Likely underrated too I'd bet. V8 torque wasn't as much use on the highway from a roll. Would love to have one of those beasts but since I can't I'm playing with a 2door turbo Impreza. Close enough I think!

She braked too hard and it's the car's fault? ABS wasn't invented then...

# of cylinders != gas consumption...

That's ab exact replica of the one I drove - stripes, color, and trunk which was apparently rare! Too cool :-)

See that engine mount up front there? You'll be changing that pretty often too!

Lets just say that on a highway roll they would eat a Mustang LX V8 of that era - easily.! I was on the receiving end of such a beatdown and it was awesome to watch the thing whiz away from me at lightspeed lol

I think you fail to understand how easily an LSx engine drops into these cars and that turbocharging THOSE is pretty awesome! That sled would get up and FLY with a turbo LX motor and with a few handling bits and brakes it would go around corners and stop too! For one in good condition I'd be damned tempted to pick one

NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Owned one and every single time it broke - often - it would be taken in and we'd find out that a recall was going to fix the issue. It had something like TEN recalls done to it. No way would I want to own another even with the fond memories it might bring back. $6500?! ROTFL that's crazy money!

You might want to look into some of the problems GTR owners are having with their cars! I looked seriously into buying one and seeing the HUGE amount of issues those guys have scared me off pretty good. Replacing the transmission is apparently damned common and it's a sealed unit according to the factory - no thanks!

Umm no. Not just for the whole fraud thing or getting hurt part but the new Porsche are incredibly hard to wreck simply by lifting. The stability control in mine is at least a generation or three behind what he has and it's been pretty damned impressive. You can feel it pulse various wheels to straighten the car and