
What’s funny is you believe they were going that fast from a police force so obviously corrupt...

Any chance that’s “movie math”? 

I’ve just tonight delivered a pile of these to a friend who’s on a response team to use starting Monday! Burned through a whole spool of PLA+ to do it and some PLA too. It’s for a good cause and the design is a nice one, I swear it looks like an athletic supporter though. They take awhile to printer, other designs

I’ve just tonight delivered a pile of these to a friend who’s on a response team to use starting Monday! Burned through a whole spool of PLA+ to do it and some PLA too. It’s for a good cause and the design is a nice one.

Other countries are doing a better job because they had better leadership and not a toddler at the helm. Had we acted when warned, had we tested early, had we had a leader willing to step up and a Govt that would coordinate resources we’d be far far better off. Instead we have an idiot patting himself on the back

Yeah I’m marking Sonarr too :)

Men become carriers and as I understand it it goes away after awhile for them. However if they are active and have partners those partners become infected and it does NOT go away. There’s no test for men as there is for women either. So yeah, get the damn shot!

It doesn’t sound like they are storing the IP address with the input. They are talking about correlating IP address registration timestamps with input timestamps in the submission database; running into issues where there was high load that created what amounts to race conditions. It sounds like when two entries are

He’s an arsonist that likes to play fireman.

I’m in their ecosystem - iPad, X, ATV.... I own Google and Amazon devices and I’m using Apple’s stuff with the ATV. It does ONE thing better than the other two (dusk and dawn lights) and none are perfect/ At the price they’re asking they can bite me, wake me when their stuff is WAY more functional.

They listen but don’t activate until the key phrase is spoken, just like Siri and whatever Android uses on their devices. It will occasionally make a mistake but it’s not sending a constant stream of data out the door, anyone with a sniffer can see that much.

Pssst! Primaries don’t elect candidates - the parties can choose who they want despite them. One of the Repubs I heard interviewed even called the Primaries a “jobs program” and said he didn’t know why they had them because the party decides who runs. Parties are legal entities, they aren’t bound to do what anyone but

ah yes, the lesser of two evils? The lesser of two evils is still evil. I didn’t want Hillary any more than I want Trump and I voted for neither of them as a result. Hopefully come next election both sides will field better candidates because sure as hell last time neither fielded cream of the crop. Come November I

They start small, speech in a beer hall etc. so don’t think that just because you aren’t seeing the worst now that it couldn’t get worse if we simply ignore it.

It’s very simple, leave a gap and allow merging. When you reach the end of the merge lane and find the idiots who thought they could “zipper their way to the front” stopped and confused drive past them and wave. Leave a gap as soon as you see the onramp with people on it getting up to speed. If they want to be stupid

How about instead of rushing up to the front to jam ourselves in we pace traffic and merge without disrupting the flow? Merges need hardly slow down if you accelerate to the speed of existing traffic and merge as soon as possible before coming to the end of the lane and being forced into traffic while riding the

I’d upvote you 3x if I could! Merge is VERY simple, I do one every day with people moving into my lane. I leave plenty of room for at least one or two cars and I slow so they can pace and get in. If however they fail to merge into the open space and instead want to go as far into the onramp as possible before trying

Town near me used Volvos for years!

Wonder if getting a heated wheel STILL deletes the flat bottom? :( Looking for an S6 or S7 myself....

His entire channel is about buying wrecked cars and repairing them at fair value. He shows you what to look out for buying cars and what you can do to best repair them and get them back on the road at a good cost. He came across a unique car, the DXP, bought it, and has been repairing and documenting how it was put