
On the flip side I've seen bicyclists in my area get into altercations and the auto driver run them down - seriously. It's simply amazing to me how selfish car drivers can be. Some bikers are really really sensitive but considering so many have been damn near run over by morons I can almost understand it. Sadly few of

You have to understand that many people don't know the laws and are self-centered. If they have to slow down then obviously it's not THEIR fault it must be the person on the bike. 30 seconds is apparently just way too much consideration for another human.

The idiots around here seldom run lights or reflectors on their bikes. you can tell who's a cyclist and who's the idiot who got a DUI simply by how they outfit their bike. The morons without anything to light them up amaze me and the fact that they yank their reflectors off is even more stunning...

Suggest you crack open the driver's manual for your state, your license was obviously gotten from a cracker jack box. Cyclists are entitled to the road just like cars. They get pissed off if they do not get the LEGALLY REQUIRED three feet because assholes like you measure their dicks with the same ruler and brush them

Umm, that's actually legal although not really sensible. They are allowed to take the whole lane and it's your responsibility to pass safely.

Where I live it is ILLEGAL to ride on a sidewalk - that's where people you know WALK. On the other hand the LAW says that bicyclists have rights to the road. It's not just for cars and if you bothered to read your driver's manual you might know this. You sure that wasn't you driving that SUV?

Shoulder or not they had as much right to that road as the car did. Cars aren't sole owner of the roads.

There are already commercial panels designed to act like a roof that are translucent. I seem to recall they can even absorb and make power from the bottom side although obviously not nearly as much as from the top. Panels make terrific shades for parking lots and serve a dual purpose when used that way!

No closer to 30 years from the tests I've seen posted. The cells don't drop in efficiency very badly and many come with 20+ years warranties.

You do realize that a solar panel produces more power over it's lifetime than it took to produce by a large margin right? That the primary ingredient is silicon aka SAND? While higher efficiency is always better this is hardly a waste.

He ran with a helmet...

No, I disagree and studies say otherwise too. People drive what feels comfortable regardless of the speed limit and I'm one of them. If the limit is 80 and 75 feels comfortable I'm not going to do 85. Limits are generally set too low for roads designed for higher than posted speeds hence the speeding.

I don't get it - he had someplace else to go and did - the RIGHT lane. Why sit in the left\passing lane unless passing?

Meh, I drive what feels comfortable and if it's over the posted limit I watch for cops and use Waze. I don't look at the limit and decide to go 10 or 15 over so if the limit was reasonable, say 75 or 80, then that's probably how fast I'd go depending on what I was driving and how it felt. It's not a game for me to go

Friend had a failure in his Dodge. Engine lights all lit up, both feet on the brake wouldn't stop it, wouldn't shut off, putting it in park just stripped the pawl. This happened at the top of a huge grade with truck run offs too. He finally got it slowed and used the parking brake but he was PISSED! Dodge says nothing

and yet every time it's been tested that's what's been found out. The brakes on your car will overcome the throttle - bet on it. In fact as a modern car hitting the brake and holding it SHOULD cut the throttle but in a failure perhaps not.

kotakufix should find it I think. I'm using it :-)

Nah, that's high 10s easy on pump and decent DOT tires. BTDT. Keep telling folks that tho plz.

Not at that power level they don't - that's pump gas territory.

What you don't seem to understand is that on a Supra that "tip" is how big the ENTIRE exhaust is. I used a 4inch exhaust on mine and when some twit like you commented on the "tip" I asked them to see how far they could stick their arm in it. His fist went as far back as he dared - zero restriction. Not strictly