
700 is what they dream out the flywheel power at - it's making like 600 at the wheels which is about what you can max out at with pump gas and stock cams. Mine did about that with a little meth injection and was a hoot but it did lag a little. A smaller turbo will make about the same pump power without the lag but not

Check out Kotaku fix if you use Chrome - solves the commenting issue :-)

And were restricted from seeing all of the evidence. This will be overturned on appeal. I own a 4s myself and find this to be a big loser for the consumer.

Apple bought Siri from a company named SRI, it used to be an app and about two weeks before the 4S was demoed the app stopped working. Apple didn't build the Siri technology, they bought it and it had been around as that app for well over a year.

No, that's a dictionary attack. Brute Force is trying EVERY combination until success. and judging from the numbers of hashes that have been leaked in the past 6 months that are NOT slated I'd say that salt is FAR from common. Very scary that is and very wrong but also apparently the norm...

Considering their weight I'd say the power is way more than adequate. These cars all weight well under 3Klbs I'll bet. I'd love to own one, instead I'll work on my 240Z\2JZGTE swap :-)

Bought a 911 turbo in Indiana to drive home to Northern VA. Just about the time we go to switch drivers for the first time I notice the LOUD groaning from the power steering - uh oh! We pull over and P/S fluid is POURING out onto the hot exhaust. I have visions of being the next Challenger! While sitting there trying

Funny thing is that in Cars2 they alluded to headlights as eyes while touring the market in Japan. Watched it last night :-)