
I wish it were up to 0˚C here. Right now it’s a balmy -7˚C but the wind is bad and it feels like -25˚C. Hope you get dug out quick!

Thats the thing though. It isn’t a problem it’s just winter. That said I hope the east coast digs out quick and gets back to normal.

As a Canadian, articles like this just make me laugh. My city just went through two weeks where the temperature ranged from -35˚C on the high side to -48˚C on the low side. That’s -31˚F and -54˚F.

“Let’s get this out onto a tray....Nice!”

They all seem to be cut from pretty much the same douche baggy mold.

I’m surprised they didn’t put him in his trademark red tie. Or use the “Make America Great Again” line.

He didn’t bitch about or give an opinion on anything. All he did was ask if there were others who had done the same thing that he did. I don’t see the problem with that. You need to hit up a pharmacy and get some cream for that butt hurt you got there and quit being a dick.

I always watch the first trailer and thats it. I hate that they give so much away in the trailers so I commit to my one trailer method and it works

+1 for “sticks in my craw”

I guarantee that is what it is in reference to. Those are probably Venoms first words.

Have these things driven in any conditions other than “sunny and clear”?

Hopefully Indeed. I’ve come to terms with the changing backstory and I think as long as the symbiote doesnt utilize any of spidermans powers as we know them (especially web). They may be able to pull off a decent movie...maybe.

I love that there is a sport that the USA absolutely sucks at.

Haha..Yes Golf is in the same category. Same with Baseball, bowling, and darts.

Don’t forget the gambling problem

I know some women who can throw bigger weight than most men. The push is mostly just trying to get a little extra on the rock before release. Another reason is that most women dont lift the rock when doing their push out of the hack.

A solid womens team should be able to give a mens team a run for their money.

The style of play is different b/w the two genders. Men play more weight with more complex hits and run backs and women typically play less weight with more focus on drawing, peeling, and taps. There is no real reason for not having a mixed category in the olympics. I was a provincial champion in mixed curling and I

Curling is one of those things that is way more fun to play than it is to watch.

Did you vote for Trump?