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    So reliability as it applies to an automobile is defined as how long a car remains "alive", and not something more from the root word itself, such as "ability to provide transportation to its owner reliably"?

    Duke Nukem Forever.


    I came here for Gran Turismo AI driver comments.

    "So comfortable"?? Because 90s Civic were always known for their cushy seats, soft ride, and sound deadening / quiet interiors. Don't get me wrong, having more or less owned 3 versions of Civic models from 1991 on, I appreciate Civics more than your average jalop, but one thing they never were was "so comfortable".

    Look at the amount of guys and gals that use these (sometimes exclusively) for road tripping across the country. (And a lot of that subset being an older crowd, too). I don't see it, but that's not to say people don't do it...though I suppose the base suspension is marginally more "soft".

    And how would you compare it to the Corolla?

    In the rules of a commuter, Mazda 3. 1st-gen on $5000 budget, new one on opened budget.

    At the local track here, you pretty much have to take one instructional course and then you're turned loose on the track. You could theoretically drive prim and proper for the instructor and then slag off like this guy when you're on your own.

    I would think in a lot of cases you'll have some flag station workers that

    This is giving me Xbox360 Trials nightmares.

    Because who doesn't love polishing around emblems on a car? OH EVERYBODY

    That said, I know what it's like to be married and bored. Even without kids, you can still spend an entire weekend racking your brain for shit to do.

    When I was a kid, we would punch in an Atari game and if everything worked fine we'd play it for 15 minutes and we'd move on with our lives! *shakes old man fist*

    "I felt that we have to have a strong, clear direction as a brand" - if having the world's worst across-the-line beak known to man wasn't "strong" and "clear" enough, AWD ain't gonna help ya there...

    I'm a rube in a flyover state, and had my front door kicked in and house raided. Luckily I was not there. Unluckily, ever since I've had roommates I've stopped arming my security system because it has motion sensors in the house and control panels only in the master bed and by the front door, and even though I'd no

    Why does the UK have so many windscreen-less track cars available? I consider myself fully educated after watching X amount of Top Gear UK episodes (and this video) and it seems like the ominous clouds + sprinkling in this video is about the best weather day you Brits ever get.

    You could care less? That implies you care what I believe, and that you give some measurable amount of fucks.

    Yo dawg, I herd u like rings, so I'll give you this ring while we're on the ring...if you agree to marry me.

    I'm sure there's no reasonable explanation that your 15-second car kept pace with a 13-second car. It's just a magic car! Everyone, to the Fiat dealerships!

    I'm not so sure. When has Honda ever had to engineer _anything_ in regards to dealing with too much torque?

    Even if you somehow manage to put the purchase price worth into the car in maintenance / usage items, it's still $40k to own a flossy $150k car, which isn't bad.