It's amazing considering when they had stopped making them and dealers were trying to get them off the lots, they were going for $18k new.
It's amazing considering when they had stopped making them and dealers were trying to get them off the lots, they were going for $18k new.
I found some interest in this as having an accident deemed my fault and having a passenger that experienced injuries, after I did some research on the situation, it seems same-car liability is pretty much never required and often times not included on insurance policies, and if it is, it has a very small ceiling (I…
I didn't watch the video, but how disappointed were they when they saw a slanted semi-trailer on the side of the road and tried to ramp it Burnout-style?
We as car people can like it all we want and / or argue about whether or not it's underpowered all day, but small, tiny, relatively-cheap RWD coupes will always be tough justifications for automakers due to lagging sales.
To me, for all the talk of improved physics, it still drives the same, and between pop-up and jaggies and weird shadows, it still doesn't look very good much like GT5 didn't. It's still fun.
Stupid sexy Flanders...
Right - I would say this and the sister Cutlass didn't sell "terribly", they just had a life expectancy of about 4 years.
I'm pretty sure I lost an accident trial where a guy driving a bobcat turned into the side of my car and totaled it because I kept correcting the opposing attorney during cross when she would say stuff like "And the car you were driving was a V4" & probably came off as an arrogant car guy that I'm sure therefore…
Most of the public sees headline, says "Why is this news? There are tons of V4 engines out on our streets today!"
Haven't they had MX-5 coupe(s) at points in its lifestyle but only overseas that weren't just hardtop versions? I could have sworn in the late 90s at least...
ESPECIALLY if your car is a hunk of crap....that way things like breakage and tires and such are cheaper!
I'm not really sure how this says anything damning about Acura:
If there's one thing that Gran Turismo has taught me, it's that European (I'm assuming) pop music is just as batshit-crazy as American pop music.
Please keep it very tiny like that with absolutely no room for anything behind the front two seats. For my own you'll-never-sell-any selfish "the less functionality, the better" tastes.
"Tiny" in this case probably means about 3200-3300lb curb weight. Bleh.
Also could have read "Now with the beloved and always-obvious choice for anything with 4 doors and a VQ engine getting messed up (Q50), there's finally room for a Maxima again!"
I've heard this before..."Hey! It's a new Chrysler! You're really gonna like it this time! Trust us! We've finally done it!"
Now we need an automated process to discover if the regular bolts at the end were all put in and torqued correctly / in sequence.
A comrade at work said he had trouble with the heater in his car. For some reason he felt the need to engage me in conversation about this. He mentioned it's "an old car - a 2007 Buick - so we'll probably get a new car once we're done with our other car payment early next year."
I'd be happy with a complimentary 2014 Corvette for all taxpayers.