
This episode killed Nyko, this episode SUCKED. Also of course the Grounder's/Azgheda betrayed their alliance after five seconds. At least we had movement on the Luna's nightblood will probably not heal or save single person story that will take up most of the season.

I think she's part Tracy Flick and part Danny Trant, and part Elle Woods. She has the energy/drive of Tracy, the vulnerability of Danny, and the do gooder idealism of Elle.

I really appreciated the way that Renata and Madeline's resentment/envy was more about what society makes them think about their own choices (and how insufficient they are either way) than about what they actually think about each others choices.

I think though that there will be another shoe dropping to make Fake Grundy unequivocally wrong and punished. I'm glad she's gone, but I do want to see it revisited so Archie can more authentically process how effed up it was. I wish he didn't need her to be a bigger villainess to see it in those terms but I think

Mommy issues, she's absent so I'm sure there is a story there as to why.

I agree about the resolution of Grundy/Archie, the show did so much right even in this episode it was still hitting all the beats of her being a shady creeper, but it lost it's nerve and put the actual words predator in the mouth of the shows campiest villain.

I'm one of the few who gives no fucks for Kabby, and would much rather Abby had hooked up with Nyko.

The actor is 19, so whatever.

The previews seem to indicate that her spot is getting blown up next week so, I think it will be reasonable short.

>> Archie is the weakest main character on what is supposedly “his” show, but the show is called Riverdale, not Archie.<<

I almost fell over when he didn't sleep with Amanda in the Hong Kong FB.

Ah now that I get, but I guess I feel like Laurel was always a huge mistake and waste of time and that this is just a meta recognition of doing that character justice for the first time, especially in terms of the comic canon. KC was tragically miscast in the role and I'm happy to forget her version of Dinah ever

I don't get why it's gross? Sara/Laurel was gross because they were sisters, and he wasn't really into either of them, not because they were both super heroes named Black Canary. Banging Susan is gross because she's a walking plot device and no real relationship exists. When Oliver bangs women he genuinely cares

He's banged everything with a vagina except relatives and Lyla. All I care about is chemistry, and I like the chemistry with this character, his banging the reporter is far more dumb and gross to me.

Am I the only one who got weird vibe their trying to pair off Felicity/Rory, because that last scene was a WEIRD VIBE.

One issue with Season 3? You're kidding right? There was only one thing that went right: Roan.

She does and she evokes the same vulnerability and darkness, which I personally LOVE.

The great focus on Betty/Veronic as the central relationship of the show is to me it's biggest strength out of the gate, and what separates it almost instantly from a Dawson't comparison. We get some lip service to the idea Archie/Betty WERE each other's best friend, but what we see is Betty with her best gay, and

So you never saw Something About Ameila? Because he was an incestuous child molester in that. Also super douchey in Mumford. Ted Danson is a GREAT actor.

Welocome to being a modern MLB pitcher, seemingly 95% of whom end up with Tommy John surgery!