Man I hope so, I hate those other two shows especially SQ, but that has the bigger name BTS.
Man I hope so, I hate those other two shows especially SQ, but that has the bigger name BTS.
I was literally crying from laughing and couldn't stop for five minutes so I'm going with an A for that scene alone. I love how slowly it out as clueless pnaic and then devolves to inane recounting of his sisters wedding Oddly enough a sitcom being fucking hilarious is more important than it being narratively sound,…
No I agree,I just think she hasn't examined it or tried to figure out what she was feeling, it's hard work to do, it's very easy to bang Daniel tho, fucking up or self-sabatoging is always easier than interrogating our own ish. I mean no judgement there I've been there, most people have. If I were Lawrence, I might be…
>>The fact that Molly thinks she could show up at Jared’s with an insulting non-apology to get him back does hint at a larger issue.<<
Right and then Molly was like gee I wish he'd just not told me. Great way to encourage the DL, that's SUPER great.
Yeah, Issa hasn't been specific with him what the issues are, but what she has been plain about he's tried to counteract, he knows he has been coasting and the relationship has suffered, it doesn't surprise me he's trying to hail mary his way back into some kind of security with Issa. I doubt he's actually thought if…
Lawrence doesn't need to be absolved of something he hasn't been informed about, aka her unhappiness and lack of satisfaction. She has communicated only vaguely about the degree and extent of it, she expects him to intuit it all, he knows he's been a slacker and taking her for granted and it makes sense to me that…
Right? She says right at the beginning that she's not even sure it's the beginning, she might still be in the middle. She's going to believe in the closed loop, she can't alter anything she sees, because then some alternate unknown future will materialize and maybe it will be "worse" for humanity at large including…
Well she vaguely does, it's why she asks him even if he saw his whole life and knew the outcome would he still choose to live it. Her mistake was telling him she knew their child would die. Like hon you hung on to that for years just ride the puppy out, but I guess the idea was she had to do everything fate laid out,…
Aw I love Jared and Molly, but what I like is it does seem to be a long slow burn where they build a friendship first where they learn to be there for each other without the banging,or romantic pressure. IDK Jared is pretty dope so he does deserve better than she can offer right now.
Yeah, I still think it's weird or at least notable they cast someone so similar to Miller in their TV verse.
The more I see/hear Rory the more I can't believe how much he's an Ezra Miller clone, which is ironic given how heated Amell got over Miller's being cast as DC's *movie* Flash.
Yes, GOD it's the worst.
Hey now Wild Thing is a campy, pulpy classic I adore it.
Agreed, I feel the same about the Snowtown Murders movie up thread, this movies great feat is making the banal, flat filming with no story compelling, terrifying, and haunting, most of which is down to Rooker and McNaugton's plainly observatory camera, being so focused on his performance.
For me it's the bathtub scene. I got full body shivers just reading this review and haven't seen it since well 1990.
Victory is mine.
I'm going with stabbing him, physically assaulting a partner, personally.
Right? I love how much dumb fun it is, but I agree with the review that it feels like it could be a lot more, but then I laugh because it mostly just doesn't want to be. The writers are like no no, we're good.
Yeah I think either he fucked Cisco up, or Cisco is carrying Wellick and therefore couldn't open his own door and had to knock. Her reaction was too big to be just Cisco, and not be big enough to be only Wellick. I mean it's just a guess. I just don't think they were meant to be two separate reveals, I think they're…