
...which means that, if you’re savvy, you can make a lot of money.

Your statement proves my point, you are liquidating your asset into a widely accepted fiat to make a purchase. You are NOT BUYING with Bitcoin.

Can you use gold to buy groceries?

so there’s no actual gambling taking place

Can you use it to buy groceries? How about Amazon taking it for transactions? Nope?

Don’t forget “bore their fellow party-guests into a coma”.

He exists for to tell plebes to do the exact opposite of what his rich buddies need.

Not sure if you’ve ever looked at a single chart but uh, [Bitcoin’s] done nothing but provide a return.

Nah, investing is when you can reasonably expect a return. Bitcoin (and cryptocurrency in general) is gambling, a bubble that continually bursts and keeps itself propped up by new generations of idiots and suckers.

Given its social and ecological cost, destroying every Bitcoin miner would be an act of self-defense. But it will persist as long as people want to launder money, run ransomware or buy illicit items online.

Jim Cramer was a crack pot 20 years ago, why he still gets traction is anyone’s guess. 

a safer way for folks to invest gamble in Bitcoin

Wait, Is Bitcoin Going to Die?

Wait, you think Fox hates Russia? You mean the same broadcaster who defended Trump buddying up to Putin, blackmailing a democratic country (Ukraine) with weapons intended to defend against Russia, and who constantly argue since the war started that we should just let Russia roll up Ukraine because who cares about them

wow so much FOX-fuelled Russia-hatred in the comments.

Buying either of them funds scumbags...

Just commenting about how much I hate your comment system. It’s never been great but these ads are making it horrible right now.

When did this trend of hating on Hideo Kojima start? Sure the dude is a bit eccentric, but I’m not so sure I’d agree that he is “insufferably pretentious.” You might just be someone who doesn’t really like his games. The dude knows what he is. Is his exhaustion self-inflicted? Yes, most likely. But he also admittedly

You’re saying that corporate intellectual property is well deserving to be leaked? Oxymoron, or just ‘moron’?

We don’t deserve anything from a game company. When they choose to share details on a title is their business.