
“Still love the car though!” -Muskian cult members no matter how he scams them

If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.

One of the few occasions where I think this should be a 1 strike you’re out rule. Get caught doing it, get your vehicle impounded. Then you have to pay impound to have it serviced to be put back to factory specs before you get it back.

Tesla Delivers Brand New Cybertrucks Full Of Trash”·

The cognitive dissonance on display with that “you can’t not-advertise on my platform” lawsuit from a “free speech absolutist” is truly breathtaking.

I will not be surprised when Musk starts suing people that canceled their orders because it violates his free speech rights to support an orange asshole.


lol. No.

Oh well you see, the CyberTruck has....(click here to see more)

Which is more embarrassing? the Cybertruck Ambulance or the Lincoln MKT Hearse?

ROFL - I was thinking the same thing.

Imagine being put in the bed on one of these thinking you’ll be saved and then getting your artery severed.

It’s convertible stock options. He’s not worth what the media makes him out to be.

I wonder how much it will cost Stellantis to layoff VPs with incentives and packages. Just fire them. They’ll be okay. 

Doesn’t help that the only advertising they’ve ever done was not to sell cars but to sell shareholders on giving their CEO a $55b payday.

No normal person would buy a Tesla. No even halfway rational person would buy a Tesla. You’re financing one of the most dangerous people on the planet.

It’s wild that we have this massive business market that literally consists of buying a company and then sucking as much money as possible from them until it dies. Pure vampire capitalism. 

Agreed, but it’s wild they got in that position to begin with. I mean they are THE seat for pretty much all of racing, not to mention the go to “upgrade” seat in most high end sport cars.  Like how are they not moving enough units.  But it’s typical VC actions, scoop up company and burn it to the ground.

It’s astonishing that such a storied brand could be driven into the ground so quickly.” - Astonishing, yes. Surprising, no. Reason: private investment firm AKA bloodsuckers.

Another bunch of greedy assholes ruin a company. Anyone else as sick of VC and hedge funds ruining great companies as I am?  Fucking VC. ARRRGGGH