HOA’s everywhere are bad.
HOA’s everywhere are bad.
Meh, you get what you get when you choose to live in those awful neighborhoods. I can’t imagine living in a place where I know all of my neighbors are laying in wait to bury a knife in my back over any minor issue or oversight.
Worst of all is that these people are paying for this to happen via monthly HOA fees. Chances are these folks were paying a couple hundred a month for the privilege of having their cars stolen.
HOA’s are the textbook definition of ‘Those that give up liberty for security deserve neither.’
That’s hilarious.
It is not lost on me why they likely felt empowered to do something like this.
Just wait until next year.
Oh my...you’re about to see outright theft to a magnitude that would make even the best despots blush. Stopping SS payments will merely be a drop in the bucket when it comes to stealing gov’t assets and reassigning the assets to the top 0.01%.
The only surprising thing about this story is how nothing in it is surprising.
You think it’s bad now, just wait.
This perfectly sums up our healthcare system.
“Still love the car though!” -Muskian cult members no matter how he scams them
If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.
One of the few occasions where I think this should be a 1 strike you’re out rule. Get caught doing it, get your vehicle impounded. Then you have to pay impound to have it serviced to be put back to factory specs before you get it back.
“Tesla Delivers Brand New Cybertrucks Full Of Trash”·
The cognitive dissonance on display with that “you can’t not-advertise on my platform” lawsuit from a “free speech absolutist” is truly breathtaking.
I will not be surprised when Musk starts suing people that canceled their orders because it violates his free speech rights to support an orange asshole.
lol. No.