
Why? People who supports fascists, scam artists, fraudsters, and con-artists are paving the way for more of the same, making the world a worse place.

Anyone acting like Musk isn’t visibly an incompetent egomaniac at this point is clearly just a troll trying to get their little squeeze of dopamine from negative attention.

It’s all true. People are talking about it.

You forget that there are many, many Elon ButtSnorkelers out there, who will ignore reality, even when presented on a silver plate.

That is really the issue. Plenty of rich people are wacky, but Musk has an over inflated self worth that is annoying to see...and his fans are even more pathetic. 

That’s archaic thinking. There is a whole segment of the population that has been brainwashed into believing that nothing is a lie if you just believe hard enough. They’ll now tell you with a straight face that 2+2=5 as long as enough people agree with them.

Elon Musk proving once again that he’s an idiot that doesn’t understand anything, much less the first amendment.

Dismiss your obvious troll.

Yes, probably.

And somehow employees that are under CBA’s seem to be higher paid and treated better.

Of course unions drive up the prices, so does CEO wages and dividends. If companies cannot be profitable without slave labour, they shouldn’t exist.

You definitely should be proud of this. I wish more people here in the US would recognize that European countrie have found a good balance on a lot of economic issues. Just because we’re the most powerful (due mostly to lucky geography) doesn’t mean we have all the answers.

Never understood why free market advocates, especially those who aren’t billionaires but merely their bootlickers, are so much against unions - I mean from an ideological standpoint. People banding together have way more bargaining power than one single person. It also balances the scale vis a vis corporations.

I’m really proud of my home country during issues like this! We have no need for shitty employment policies from other countries that see workers as closer to disposable indentured servants more than anything, and it makes me so happy that we are sticking by that in practice as well as in theory!

“I just don’t like anything which creates a lords and peasants kind of thing.”

Well, yeah - he said “lords”, plural.

who ungrayed this idiot?

“I just don’t like anything which creates a lords and peasants kind of thing”says man who wanted to run Mars on bond slavery.

“I just don’t like anything which creates a lords and peasants kind of thing.”

“I disagree with the idea of billionaires.” - everyone else