
Okay Sean, don’t over promise. Just say we’ve been working on something and show some clips!

Wow, the “anti-woke” AI’s burns are just as contrived and pathetic as if it were a real right wing keyboard warrior trying to best me on some comment board. LOL

Bungie has proven they can’t handle Destiny so many times already. It really has been a franchise that’s full of issue. From Destiny 1 being a flop and dieing super quickly, to Destiny 2 being a total mess.

Confusing expansions, excessive amount of currencies and microtransactions. One of the worst crimes of all was

Elon Mush is a POS, and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money.

Dealerships need to die.

Based on no evidence, I would assume the Venn Diagram of people who use TikTok and people with paper maps are 2 completely separate circles.

Musk could slam his dick in a Cybertruck door and thousands of blue-ticks will log in to Twitter/X and say “Masterful gambit, sir.”

Musk: I will threaten and abuse all my customers.

Musk fans: This man is a genius.

Musk? Manufacturing expertise? Manufacturing. Expertise?

The process is to tweet(or X at I guess) Elon directly and it will be up you to determine if the meme he posts in response was a yes or no. 

Also, EV sales are not slumping - in fact Q3 sales were 50% higher in 2023 than 2022. What is happening is that Tesla’s market share is falling fast and their stock price was predicated on constant inexorable growth which is less likely now. This article could only have been written by AI or a recovering Elon fan. 

Musk, who is famous for his manufacturing expertise.

receive written consent from the company

Yea that was a laugh-out-loud read for sure lol

You wanted this piece of shit? You’re stuck with this piece of shit.

I was going to say more or less the same thing. 80% of this money is going to vanish with zero improvements to production or transmission infrastructure and I still feel like I’m lowballing that percentage.

“Glad to see the voters supported Proposition 7 to ensure Texans have the electric generation they need to keep their lights on during extreme weather conditions”

Except they didn’t. They voted to provide billions of dollars to oil and gas companies in the hope this will actually increase production to prevent the grid from failing. Like other handouts there is no guarantee this will actually happen as most likely large amounts of these loans will just be pocketed by O&G

100% endorse. Remedy doesn’t feel like they should exist, and the fact that they do and keep getting to make weirder and braver stuff makes me endlessly happy.

Holy shit, did not expect to see Walter come up in this review, he’s a regular hometown hero around these parts (Just wrapped up a 4 week class he put on at the arts center in Arvada and looking forward to the next one he’ doing in January). He’s also the perfect person to pull a quote from for this game.

And you put