
Oh sweet summer child. What part of Microsoft's history makes you think they're going to let ABK make whatever they want?

I never stopped enjoying swinging around as Spider-Man”

the number of all-electric F-150 Lightning trucks that the Blue Oval shifted between July and September was down by a massive 45 percent.

it’s the same AT&T CEO playbook: “Employee: Sir we lost subscribers because of the price increase; CEO: Increase prices until they return!” Yeah that turned out well for AOL and ATT. Anyone want to place a bet of how long Discovery will last (hopefully discovery’s awful sh.t will disappear just like AOL ). WB has

this amuses me in that people are already fed up with the price gouging that cable/satellite/streaming services have been practicing without increasing quality content and stuffing their offerings with garbage at every opportunity, and now this polyp thinks they’re entitled to higher profits because they’re entitled

So the company that has a long history of making really dumb decisions regarding their content and streaming continues to make dumb decisions. Somehow I'm not surprised. 

1. Antagonize your advertisers

LMG is multiple channels and they release 25 videos a week on average. Maybe slow down before trying to pounce on someone else with a big ‘GOTCHA!’; you just look foolish and uninformed.

They absolutely do. LMG is more than just LTT. They have a ton of channels at this point, and across them all (all done by the same staff), that is an accurate tally.

Across all of their channels, they total a weekly average of like 25 videos a week

So, ltt does have 5 or 6 channels. Not to mention exclusives that go up on float plane. I believe they were previously trying to get out something like 14 videos a week, and I don’t think includes the float plane exclusives or clips. Though perhaps not multiple dozens, it’s still quite a lot.

Your first post in 10 months and you can't even get the basic facts of what you're whining about right. Try again next year I guess, lol.

Actually they used the most recent up date to the 5E rules where racial bonuses are no longer a thing. Instead during character generation you get to pick one stat that gets a +2 and another that gets a +1. Its done to move away from racial bonuses. Now different races mostly just change your appearance and give

wow yeah crazy seeing someone talk about god in this world where we have banned all the churches and the bibles and what the fuck are you talking about, dude? Christians have the most humongous persecution syndrome.

That is a very good, often overlooked point. If you live in an apartment building or condo which either doesn’t have charging capabilities, or has like 10 for a hundred unit building, it doesn’t do you any good if you never get to utilize it.

Committing federal crimes for clout.

You need to look deeper into things that DeSantis has actually done and you’ll realize he’s an actual fascist. He unconstitutionally fired a duly elected state attorney, personally redistricted the state (again, unconstitutionally), gutted a liberal arts college because it was a liberal arts college and forced in far

What’s even dumber is he’s going to “investigate” the move...just walk away, man. You got your “W” with your handpicked board of friends. You already took a victory lap. Just let your buds meet up for a nice dinner every once in a while, act like they’re in charge, and everyone goes about their business.

I love it. These right wing chuds have been doing the same things for decades and are now clutching their pearls on their fainting couches because someone did it against them. 

The sequel and show have really shown the worst side of some gamers/people. The ignorance is dumbfounding.