
Why does reading a David Tracy article make me feel like I am enabling an addict who needs treatment?

Can’t we just eat the rich already? Don’t get me wrong, their tears are a delicious, salty appetizer. But we’re ready for the full meal!

Took me three tries to understand that headline. Microsoft needs to fire some marketing execs. 

it felt like i was having a stroke while writing this story

Jesus christ somebody please fire the people in charge of naming their consoles.


Just as you don’t feed the trolls, don’t feed Kanye. Just stop giving him attention. This isn’t a news story. It’s Kanye seeking attention. When he forms a campaign, gets ballot access, and all that other stuff that goes into elections, you can treat it is as a news story. Until then, don’t bother. Let him shout into

I don’t fucking care if he is mentally ill he’s a fucking idiot and an asshole. There are people that have issues that try and are lovely human beings coping with a disorder. He just fucking sucks. 

Cool, you’re decidedly in the minority however. That game sold gangbusters and did very good numbers with critics and fans alike. Especially the Spider-Man fans I know, of which I am one.

In retrospective the first presentation was not aimed at the public but for developers. It was their Game Developers Conference (GDC) presentation that was cancelled.

If Sony announces for a launch window: God of War 2, Spider-Man 2, Horizon Zero Dawn 2, or something insane all this talk of Teraflops over the past few months will start looking really silly. Power doesn’t sell consoles games do. If Sony doesn’t announce something big like that (or a slew of solid 1st and 3rd party

Asked why he had leaked the video, Mr. Tucker said he had wanted to dispel rumors that he said had fueled tension in the community. “It wasn’t two men with a Confederate flag in the back of a truck going down the road and shooting a jogger in the back,” Mr. Tucker said.

My money is on sometime before this Thanksgiving.  He’s getting more and more erratic, and his tweets are getting downright Trumpian.  He seems to be panicking about the economy, and that’s not going to improve anytime soon.

How long before he goes to rehab for “exhaustion.”

Yes Elon, throw away millions of dollars you invested in a factory in order to spite California for *checks notes* taking a deadly global pandemic seriously.  That’ll really own the libs and keep the investors happy!

nobody has the answers for what is happening in the world right now

Except we do know. Well, not you. Because you’re a moron.

one of the dumbest posts I’ve read on here in a while so bravo

I said this guy was garbage previously for his bullshit, and I got walls of text on how I was the bad guy and he wasn’t that bad.

I stand by what I said. This guy is garbage.

Went buying popcorn for this one.