
They aren’t protesters. They’re domestic terrorists.

I’m a grown man that plays as a female character in just about any game in which I have the option (save for a few games where romancing characters is a key feature of the game and where that choice would force me into romancing male characters). I personally don’t think people should find that disturbing.

I know so many grown men playing as female characters in ALL games where it’s possible, that it’s more disturbing than letting a woman help identify with her own character in said games.”

Now playing

This remains one of my favorite sketches on this subject, ironically done in response to an earlier Assassin’s Creed game:

Settelment building is one thing I was really hoping for. Such a huge part of viking culture. Can’t wait. 

And yes manchildren who will inevitably complain about this, there is archaeological evidence that there were were female vikings. 

I could see a shitty dealership manager/owner making that call but the fact that a. they have an actual HR person, and b. that was his takeaway, is mindblowing.

But . . . that’s literally the entire premise.

It’s not a bug. It’s a feature.

I worked in a local gov’t and our dept had one of these in our fleet that I occasionally drove, and I drove a couple others as rentals. When it works well, it’s still herky jerky, hesitant, and indecisive about shifts. The fleet one a couple times you’d be driving a long and engine would just free spin like you

Without his public rallies, he doesn’t have his invested audience to buy up all the bullshit he normally speaks. So, unfortunately for him, his bullshit spewing has to go through these nightly press briefings which are subject to accountability and rational thought audiences. The poor guy!

A superposition of obsessive and dismissive who’s wavefunction will only collapse when you open the box to determine whether the cat is inside or not.

It really doesn’t make sense to go into this deep an analysis when you haven’t and won’t experience it yourself.

Motherfucker, did you just call OG Jessie an afterthought?

Yep. And it is a matter of public record. And these fucks will end up wearing this albatross around their necks for the rest of their careers. And it. Will. Be. Glorious.

It’s one quarter of the original, expanded to the length of the original. If that’s not for you, then great news, you don’t have to buy it, but it’s not like they’re trying to hide what it is or cheap out on the amount of content included.

This bullshit again.