
I agree. He's established a bit of credibility. Granted, he's been given way more opportunities than most to do so, but I'll give credit where it is due.

Holy crap.. Indians have awful taste if their top 3 are Cena, Reigns and Jinder. LMAO….. I also keep hearing that the Indian fanbase in general doesn't understand kayfabe, which is hilarious in 2017.

100% agree… not a bad segment, which is a very rare thing for me to say regarding anything with Jinder holding a mic for a sustained period of time.

Harper and Rowan is what happened to them, per smart money.. Dunno when the reveal goes down, though.

This show was considerably better than the entire Battleground PPV that recently went down. A surprise Jericho return was the perfect remedy to turn around a worrying pattern of weaker shows.

Great post, except the part about Maryse going away. Dear God, why would anyone send away that sweet, sweet, beautiful angel? Otherwise agreed about all those positives pointed out.

The battle of the two people most disliked for perceived undeserved pushes. I still can't stand Roman, but at least he feels credible in the top-card, haha.

Yeah, I agree. Naomi is doing ok, but I really want to see the title on Becky/Charlotte asap. Nattie needs to just do this match and get out of the picture. Just my opinion, of course.

Good point. If it isn't on the pre-show, we can probably expect a cash in. I hope they hold off a while on the cash-in, though. It keeps Carmella relevant in a time where she really needs it and I'd rather her cash in against a better eventual champion like Becky or Charlotte… plus, I just hate quick cash-ins.

It seemed more like "the lesser of two heels" to me, but you could be right. I'm assuming that Alexa drops to Bayley in a big "underdog face triumph" moment at Slam that can really only be pulled off at a WM, RR, SummerSlam,etc…. I'd imagine we'd see a Bayley/Sasha title program afterwards at this point, with Sasha

I suspect we might see something like that at Survivor Series. I wouldn't mind it as much there but I do kind of hate thrown together tag junk-matches of large groups that aren't stable in most other cases.

Yeah, that sounds like it could be accurate. I wonder how far off Nikki Bella is from that mark? Or Lita, for that matter. Chyna? AJ would have been poised well if she stuck around a bit longer and if her valet credits counted.

Is this a female-specific record? It's hard to believe that Undertaker isn't towards the top overall. Cena, Goldust and Orton must have a ton, as well.

Female Sami Zayn… and I'm a big fan of both. Pretty much the purest representation of being babyfaces without crowd pandering a la Cena.

I missed pre-show.. looks like I'll have to go back and check that out now.

A couple notable Talking Smack moments:

I'd argue that's definitely Carmella… and Charlotte would be, if they played her character to strengths. Everything about Charlotte makes for an awful face.. she's 100% heel.

I've basically given up hope completely on them giving Becky another title program at this point.

Why push a fun ring talent and personality like Sami when we can push total Mahalian mediocrity for the sake of India sales?