
It would be a great sound to cue whenever you are in an argument (light-hearted fun, friendly type) with a friend over something.

Thank you! I have friends who insist Batman & Robin is fun-bad. I love fun-bad movies and B&R is not fun-bad… it's just BAD bad. Phoned-in performances, some of the worst written dialogue ever in any movie made (whether major, indie, or amateur), over-long and nothing story… The tone is all wrong, it's full of plot

What's your age? Just curious. I'm 31 and saw Space Jam as a kid when it came out and loved it at the time. My ever-present nostalgia almost fears revisiting it so as not to wreck my perception.

I understand that viewpoint, but maybe she wants to take on the challenge of wrestling now and they feel she can become a legitimate draw a few years down the line. There seems to be somewhat of a shelf life on female valets usually. Frankly, I'm surprised Maryse is still hovering around the Miz at this point and

I agree… I'm completely over Mahal… and I like Shinsuke more than I like Cena, so I wouldn't mind seeing your suggested outcome either. I'm just guessing Cena is the way they are going to go for the time being. Either way, I really don't want Corbin to get any sort of substantial title run too soon.

I can't really comment on that NXT claim, since I haven't watched that program in over a year, but I really don't see the reason for hate… she seems fine to me in regards to experience versus her current development trajectory. Her moveset is still pretty limited but she isn't really botching much and she seems to

All too often, yes….. You can tell when they phone it in. Sometimes the "between" PPVs are surprisingly good, though.

With all due respect, I don't think that's an "obvious" storyline. It's certainly a possible outcome if they are looking for Corbin to cash quickly but he has plenty of time to do this. I'm thinking they are ready to get the belt off of Mahal and back onto Cena for a final run or two. I don't think the office is

Yes, agreed on all points you've made here too. I did get a little enjoyment out of some parts, but on the other hand, I do understand the hate the PPV is getting. You expect more out of a PPV than a few good moments IMO. I enjoyed last night's weekly show a lot more than the PPV. Y2J was a big part of that.

Here's my take:

I was thinking it was for Lana and that they didn't really feel deserved. She gets comparisons to Eva Marie, but honestly I think Lana actually has potential to be quite decent. Maybe not champion level, but she seems capable of working a decent match and has fluid athleticism and an understanding of how to act as a

That makes sense. I appreciate the unique insight. It's definitely a very different outlook than most adult fans in North America have, so it's hard for me to understand. I do have a question for you actually… as an Indian, do you find the Mahal thing to be ridiculous or do you appreciate the change of pace in

Haha… Let me rephrase: I've heard that many in India don't even attempt to acknowledge kayfabe or any level of scripted results… like full-on 7 year old kid stuff. I don't personally know any Indian fans, so I'm not sure what % of people this applies to, but they definitely have that reputation online.

The SD women's roster in general is a low bar, which is why it's good for her that she is on SD and not RAW. Everyone on that roster is either average or bad in-ring, with the exception of Charlotte and Becky. I think I'd consider most of them more in the average range (particularly Nattie, Carmella and Naomi) than

Yeah, I think she'll be fine in the long run. She's actually fairly fluid in the ring for a newbie. She sells and executes much, much, much better than Tamina.

Shinsuke is just there to put on a match with Cena that viewers will tune in for. A first time dream match scenario. The endgame is most likely Cena vs Mahal, which will have a dual purpose of getting the belt off Mahal, whose push experiment has clearly failed with the American fanbase, and helping Cena with the

Tamina trying to sell Flair chops by flailing around like an idiot was pretty great.

Agreed… not trying to build is also a big help to Nakamura, who gets by on presence, ringwork and reputation much, much more than any semblance of English-speaking promo skill.

OTOH, it's hard to imagine either of those characters fighting too dirty and I don't think we get a Nakamura heel turn any time soon and I don't think Cena ever goes heel again at this point. Betting on a Corbin or Rusev interference? Alternatively, they could do a double countout or double dq spot if all 4 guys end

KO/AJ rematch will almost certainly have a screwy finish.