
Agreed, but then, he does nothing with mic delivery well. His promos pretty much just consist of the words "YOU PEOPLE" and "Maharaja"

The worst part is that he's from Canada. He has Indian family, but I don't think he's even lived in India.

Okay show overall… Charlotte and Becky match was very strong and Fashion Files continues to be hilarious and the highlight of pretty much every week. Max Moon reference ftw. I can do without the silly Cena jingoism that feels completely phoned in, but most of the other parts of the show were decent once they got

That's the biggest problem. Fans (besides the younger kids) already knew Jason Jordan isn't related to Kurt Angle. Jason Jordan is a known quantity. I remember when I first got into wrestling around 96-97 era, the amount of wrestler information on the internet was scarce. I mean.. the internet itself was scarce.

You know I actually was ok with some of the matches and I like all 4 of those guys a lot, but the booking was pretty repetitive and questionable to say the least, huh? It doesn't really help that the Hardys are just spinning their wheels without a direction waiting for the inevitable gimmick clearance. I almost wish

Oh yeah,
The Good:
- Dean Ambrose calling his steel chair "Steely Dan"
- Braun Strowman tossing Roman Reigns back into the ring through the middle rope like a small child.
The Bad:
- Disappointing and silly Angle reveal
and the Amusing:
- "Little Swiss Miss" …. just retire, Michael Cole….

Not sure they have an endgame in place for the fashion police thing. In fact, it might just keep going on as a mystery as long as the gimmick keeps up and people are loving it. Keeping it open ended allows for continual match set-ups and wrinkles, which is probably the goal with them instead of actually trying to

It's incredible how much momentum Cedric Alexander has lost in this utterly idiotic storyline with Noam Dar and Alicia Fox, who might be the two very worst mic over-actors on the entire company roster. Back when Alexander debuted, not only was he very over with the crowd, he appeared to have the size and unique

SCSA comes out and stunners everyone and chugs a beer over Angle's body.

WWE is doing an absolutely horrible job in recent years of setting up meaningful long-term tag feuds that people can invest in.. and it's a shame, because they have plenty of tag talent but keep breaking up teams before they can do anything memorable. I long for the days of The Midnight Express and Rock N Roll


As for believing this garbage, there's also the existence of Wikipedia in 2017… Vince is just living a couple decades behind the times all over.

I have to imagine much of the crowd had a similar reaction to mine… squashing disappointment and the feeling of an insult to my intelligence. Even a veteran wrestling fan can only suspend disbelief but so far. It wasn't "Mae Young gives birth to a hand" stupid, but it's really stupid and nowhere near as self-aware.

+1 for Wishmaster reference… cheesy fun… love the first two.

Just insulting in 2017…. Angle's … uh.. "angle" would have worked well circa 1994.

This makes me furrious….

Mr. Jim Business? He's the worst one.

I agree. Alexa holds on until SummerSlam, until Sasha gets the big win and title change. I think this one will have a screwy finish involving Nia Jax.

Or even worse, the new stable Mojo BrayLey, with Mojo and Bayley running around like idiots tackling inflatable tube men, while Bray watches with disapproval from a rocking chair.

The whole Tron thing is stupid. Once was fine but until they interact more face to face, I won't be sold on this feud.