
He was on such a hot streak the last year but it's been mostly crap since the superstar shakeup.

Wasn't it LaMelo? There are a few posts on it below but you have to scroll through a bunch of posts to get to it. I somehow missed it in real time, so he must have said it quickly, but it was a really dumb thing for him to say on a PG show in any context.

I think they need to keep it very simple here. Find the source of disdain for each other and build the feud around that. No silly "This is your life" crap, no random character quirks.. just two people fighting for a championship that don't like each other. Let the aggression speak for itself. While I'm not in love

I need this in my life immediately.

Embarrassing look for Vince, though… a friend of Trump, haha.

Lonzo will likely fall into more of a traditional point distributor role at the NBA level and won't be looked at as much of a lead or combo guard… the guy does have a great instinct and savvy as a passer and playmaker. If teams are counting on him to be the next Harden as a slasher, then I'd agree they will be

I haven't bought into anything, though. I keep seeing people say stuff like this, but I haven't done anything to further his brand. I watched a wrestling show, hoping to see wrestlers. I saw his ugly mug. I made a brief post about it on a review for a wrestling show. I'm literally not promoting his brand by word

I agree but she really really has to clean up her execution and selling. She has so much potential because of her size and presence, though.

I don't know the details, but I know it's constantly referenced in IWC chats and I think the two just don't like each other going back to NXT days. Also you'll notice Sasha tends to make Alexa bleed almost every time they work together.

I'm sure your life was more enriched before discovering this bozo. Unfortunately, I've known of him for a bit now.

He's an idiot. He thinks his sons (and the older one IS very good, but not this good) are all the next coming of Michael Jordan. He spent the entire year running his mouth and getting interviewed constantly, putting the spotlight on himself instead of his son. He said that his son's basketball team had "too many

I already can't stand LaVar Bell at all as a college basketball fan. The guy is the Joe Jackson of the basketball world. I feel bad for his kids… and boy did he make an ass out of himself with that entrance. I guess I can say at least it wasn't completely boring, though. They were smart to not let it drag out too

Well put. Glad someone gets it. This may have been the plan all along (to increase weekly show ratings with the rematch), but part of me thinks they are just backpedaling hard now because too many people on twitter took it as an affront to women.

No, I definitely get it. I meant to explain that (minus the NJPW stuff) in my post, too. It's just very indirect. It's better than nothing if they can't use Bomaye, though.

Graves is awesome. I didn't like him randomly morphing into a Sherlock Holmes face at the end of Raw, but he's the best heel commentator they've had since Heenan retired, IMO.

Hey, kids in the streets chanted that when Ali went to Africa! It's not like most of the (especially younger and American) WWE fanbase knows what it actually means anyways :D

Read ya wrong… gotcha, I agree!

It's too bad they are on different shows. Now that Cass and Carmella are both heels, I could see an interesting storyline where Cass rejoins up with Carmella and Carmella tells Ellsworth finally that she's just been using him. I could also see some comedy out of him trying to get the jump on Cass in various

On MITB? I definitely agree with Drew that it was much better than Fastlane. Both of the MITB matches were very memorable. While I didn't love Corbin winning, the match itself was very exciting… and regardless of one's opinion on the women's booking decision, the women's MITB match will definitely be a hot topic

James Ellsworth didn't win the match, but I do agree that it will be great to see Becky destroy him.