
Definitely. I do wish they could call it BOMAYE, but Kinsasha Banks is alright too.

Agreed, completely. I like him more with Carmella since she has way more upside than Nattie, but I could see that working too.

Any other outcome besides Becky or Carmella winning this rematch would be a massive disappointment to me. Nattie and Tamina aren't even legitimate options and I don't think the timing feels right for Charlotte right now, in the context of this story.

I think she repeated it verbatim: "I'll make YOUR face look like Ellsworth." There was a clear script botch and Charlotte looked confused as hell after Tamina repeated it. Meanwhile, I bet Ellsworth was probably just trying not to laugh over there. You know that guy has to be loving the attention he's been getting.

If we're being honest, I liked the female MITB finish way more than the male MITB finish. The male MITB match itself had so many amazing spots and was heading to be the best match of the year and then Corbin just kind of boringly and nonchalantly came in and walked up the ladder…. but heaven forbid, we do something

Wonder Booking™

I'm just laughing at the marks who bought into the supposed "debacle" of the ladder match. Give me a break. You guys got played under the shaky guise of social awareness and equality (which is also misleading and damaging to women here, if anything) for this very storyline. It was a creative and great heel ending.

D-Von showing up got a bigger reaction than Samson's blindsiding haha.

#1: The Room, easily
For anyone who hasn't seen a little gem called Tiger Heart yet, I fully recommend this. Think The Karate Kid, but if directed by a Wiseauian type.

This is part of the booking problem. Even if truly labeled heel, Roman rarely gets a full come-uppance. Braun seems to be the only one they'll let do it. Even in this instance, they wouldn't let him just TAP to the clutch… and then of course, the resolution to the initial segment, which definitely should have left

Seems like they are giving Samson a real sneaky quick push… very subtly. Even though it wasn't clean he recently got the pin on someone big.. was it Ambrose? Can't remember.

Big Cass heel solo run: Raw's answer to Baron Corbin.

Also, what the heck was that line about Graves telling Angle he didn't have a nice Fathers' Day and why did Graves randomly morph into a babyface commentator for the final segment? I'm just baffled.

If only Damien Mizdow was still here….

I wouldn't mind seeing them add one or two more people. I really miss big DX/NWO/NOD type stables. A huge entourage for Miz would be fun.. especially if it is made up of guys that aren't getting over well on their own.

Bo Dallas almost looked like Adam Bomb/Wrath last night. He's still Bo Dallas, but at least his look is more intimidating now and he seems to be getting in better shape.

It was a huge step forward for her from the way she's been portrayed recently. I agree, it was the only part of this rushed segment that really progressed anyone.

Agreed, but then Smackdown is doing the exact same thing… it just feels better because MITB had actual stakes involved. Both brands need much better and focused, feud-driven women's writing. To pull this off, they also need BOTH women in the feud to be able to deliver good, heated back-and-forth promos. They can't

It was so, so bad. The timing of everything felt off and rushed. Alexa barely got off a sentence on commentary before Emma's cue to confront her… pointless. Then almost every woman had at least one awkward mishap in the ring… the two worst being Alexa and Sasha failing to connect the first time Alexa tried to rip

Enzo could be a manager, in my opinion. He's so, so underwhelming in the ring and they could use more guys with his vocal energy to put over some of the less charismatic talent. Apart from that, I don't see much else besides afterthought jobber on the main card, typical shoe-horned raw comedy backstage bit guy or