Diggs’ prior AND NEXT project is - and always was - the noise rap group clipping. clipping fans never doubted that.
sainthood isn’t related to being a nice person. it’s solely based on whether, after you die, random people claim a miracle occurred with your intercession.
god bless the jews (already covered i guess:P) for being so cool with sex.
the part about little girls is so right. maybe i’m mising some nuance, but if a feminist enjoys the likes of Cosmo, i don’t take her or him seriously.
wait a second - she’s attacking US! tabloids just mirror you and me.
perfect lockstep performance by the loving duo, celebrity and tabloid! it’s so believable! i love suspending my disbelief and taking the ride. she’s really nailing this role of somone who’s against tabloids. when you gain wealth and fame from them, it must be hard to act that script of hating them. SO method. well,…
ask Susan Sarandon.
older voters who remember the 90s often have a visceral dislike of her character, and see Trump as a more manageable clown. she has an interesting balancing act: her ads need to assuage people who already hate her from the 90s, but they also have to hide any mention of the 90s from new voters who don’t know or care…
frat brothers!
it’s a shame. she was an admirable journalist. but honestly, if someone dies in a war zone, it was probably because it was a war zone, and not because they were targetted individually. that would be your default assumption, and only mountains of evidence should suggest otherwise. i hope the family can find peace.
the USA and its ally-in-syria Al Qaeda will show ‘em what’s right!
this is why he’s Trump’s best option for VP.
nope, this should solidify his spot. speaking only as a betting man, Trump’s best choice is Newt.
another article mentioned the ark-builder had no money to break ground, until Bill Nye (science guy) challenged him to a debate on TV. i’m sure Bill won on the merits, but donations skyrocketed after that, and Bill’s made statements of deep regret. he wanted to disprove them, but he only brought them attention,…
let’s pack the US Senate with 100 women, all hand-chosen by Sarah Palin.
this is why it’s wrong to say “more women in politics”. this is what you get. careful what you wish for!
as a feminist, i see this as a disaster. cf. Greenwald
perfectly said, radio man! only improvement: when someone says “if you don’t immediately obey the cops, you should expect to get shot” you need to answer “correct, and that’s the description of a brutal police state”. it’s true, but it’s also an ultimate big picture damnation/indictment
i disagree with Palin but agree with Glenn Greenwald. ordinary americans are punished for less. the powerful have their own unspoken set of laws. we ordinary folk have the harsher set.