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So it's like VCR tracking? :-P (Skip to 5:40)

I looked through all the comments and I cannot believe no one posted this yet.

@Channan: Or for someone who has a single blind eye. (me) There are already experiments that are doing this for people who are totally blind. The cameras themselves are black and white and are low resolution, but it's a start.

@Nintendo Tim @Krimaira: Sorry guys. Remind me never to listen to my friend Al again. :-\

Is this assumed with the 3D full on?

@Retsaot: Who says you need Ultimate?

Any word of any pressure sensitivity on this thing?

@unknownsock: Agree, (I have it on Steam) but OP had a Mac so just trying to get all the options out there. :-)

@unknownsock: Use a Wii or pick up a GCN for $50 on eBay.

@Lozmaster: I see what they did there...Sept. 29th, 1996 was the launch of the N64 in the US.

This would be one game that would truly earn the rating of M for Mature. See: []

How does this compare to Handy Cads also on Android?

*Hugs his T-Mo N1*

I was recording CPU and HSF part numbers for a customer the other day. The last line on the Intel HSF was Foxconn. I shuddered.