
Many industry people agree on one thing: these regular layoffs are ultimately harmful to the designers, artists, programmers, musicians, testers, writers, and every other person who has some hand in making video games. Few people want to be forced into looking for new employment every year or two, and though there are

You have to perform a QTE to eat dinner during crunch.

"I am really happy that the game has done as well as it has," said Lindblom. "Also because to me the game itself I think is a very positive-at-its-heart kind of game. Lots of things are in the game that are meant purely to entertain, to get people to enjoy the game and that kind of thing... There are times when I

Now playing

Great, now it's in my head like the C64 Skate or Die title tune back when I was 5. Thanks for the awesome music. The NES Monopoly win theme is still good.

Same here. Came here expecting to see 1:39 of the video in screenshot form. Video did not disappoint.

I've been known to drink socially. I can get buzzed, but I've never thrown up/passed out. That's not my goal with drinking. It's just a social affair. When I feel buzzed I feel..."tired"...I guess would be the way to put it. Never had my head hurt.

Good to know. I was born 3 & 1/2 months early in '86. My retinas were detaching so they did experimental treatment on my right eye so I have some vision. The worst thing that happens with ice cream is that I'll eat it too fast when it's too cold and my throat will hurt for a bit, but not my head.

Is it bad that I've never experienced a headache? Ever?

I've found that these work great: [] Anyone else used them besides me? The non-coppertop Duracell ones were crap as they lose their charge quickly when not being charged. The ones I linked to seem to hold their charge a LOT longer when off a charger.

All I can think about now is a skit between Bugs and Daffy.

Isn't the cover photo resolution 851x315, not 314?

^ This.

Exactly. So I knew their games. It's not required, but it's good to get a feel for a company.

That's in Cali though where (I'm assuming) public transportation is more plentiful.

Yup. Had to do that for a game programming class and also had to do it on multiple occasions when applying to companies.

This feature was available before this update as a Labs feature but they took it away in a past update and just returned it now. No idea why they coined it "new". #marketing

What a paper cut!

Can anyone PLEASE tell me if these cars can be handled by people who can't drive because of vision issues? I cannot drive due to my vision and getting any sort of travel plans set up is a big, BIG PITA. This would change my world.