
@Yokai: I made a comment asking about SC2 on Steam without realizing that there was a question about it right below mine. So I changed my comment so people would ignore it since there wasn't any option to delete it. Sorry if my now-edited comment seems trollish.


@helixed: It's the same security that the banks use, so the only issue you have is user error from an easy-to-guess password. Make sure both your email password and password are hard to guess and different from each other.

Put this on the 3DS.

This is simply a move to put more products into the OS/browser store, and a smart one at that.

@Mookie: Hahaha, thanks! It's just the first thing I thought of when I saw that.

That last screenshot reminds me of Braid for some reason. Prolly the color combo/storybook/hazy/painter feel.

The following are paraphrased:

Absolutely wonderful for the kid.

From the article:

This headline made me think of Pokémon: "Two Larger Dyson Air Multiplier Fans Appear[ed!]"

I am laughing my ass off at this. The frantic nature mixed with some classic game BGM/SFX is priceless. Also, watching the chat scroll along with it is epic.

What about plasma TVs? Are they better or worse for the environment? I know they draw a bit more power than LCD when on, but what about when mine gets thrown out/damaged? It was just manufactured in May of 2010, so it's not one of those old ones.