
No Wii love, huh? No experience point system is a major turn off though.

@BlindWolf8: PS: Still getting a 3DS because I can play with the 3D off. Plus, awesome games.

@rayblasdel: Yeah? What happened? Btw, do you know how to send/if there's a feature to allow Gawker members to send the equivalent of PMs to each other? Thanks!

I voted for 3D because it's unusable to me: I only have one working eye.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who shed a few.

@rayne117 -: Wii release date for US was November 19th, 2006. E3 2006 was the time in which this date was revealed.

@AndrewRyan: Oh well. The World Ends With You dual-screen battles was impossible for me.

@Maximus Thunderclap: It's funny. People don't realize my vision is so bad unless I tell them. I have Pepsi-bottle glasses. :-P

@Shade Malek: Woohoo! Fellow ROPper! *high fives and then misses due to depth perception issues*

@Schnazer: No idea. ALso, don't feel bad. It's something I've lived with for my whole life. Still been enjoying Nintendo games since I was 4 or so. Not going to stop now. *cue song*

@Jorw: Yup, I knows all about teh sliderz. :-P

@Kempatsu: Yup, I knows all about teh sliderz. :-P

@Rockford: I've yet to try out this parallax-barrier tech in person, so I'll only be able to tell if it works on me if I try it myself. I'll still be getting a 3DS regardless. It's all about the games. Also, see my reply below my original question.

@UndeadJokesJokes: I have no idea if I see the world in 2D, since I have no idea what "normal" vision looks like/is. It's like asking you to describe what "red" is like to a completely blind dude. Hahaha.

@Shade Malek: What kind of disease/issue do you have? I have ROP. No one gives a shit about that. :-P

@gamegrump: Yup, I knows all about teh sliderz. :-P

(crap, ignore this)

So as a person who can only see out of one eye, am I screwed?