@ginazninja: We'll see what happens with Kinect.The #E3 presentation today was too scripted for my liking. There wasn't enough energy.
@ginazninja: We'll see what happens with Kinect.The #E3 presentation today was too scripted for my liking. There wasn't enough energy.
@ginazninja: I get it, but what I don't get is why people who don't play games would shell out the extra $$$ for a new 360 + Natal/Kinect + online membership when the Wii is cheaper? Cost will always play a factor. Microsoft's trying to get into a market that's already close to meeting the saturation point. (or so it…
@allstaraugustine: I do realize that there are good and bad games and good and bad game developers, but it hits home when a family member who would never pick up a controller spends time playing games with you. They're enjoying your hobby/passion/profession with you, and it makes it all the more special.
@allstaraugustine: You need to realize that there are different kinds of gamers in the world. You should respect them for even picking up a controller, not shun them.
@data_enabler: This.
I see what they did thar:
All I saw was Starfox and a Monkey Island reference, and that got me to click on this post. By the way, where's the controller? You don't see any leading up the the kid, so he must not the holding any. Is the game on Demo Mode?
@Xusder: I guess The Goonies are good enough. ;-)
This. In my head. Now it's in yours too.
@Xusder: I'll be happy to be your friend. Kids in school can be complete dicks.
The NES version of the song from the movie is still in my head to this day. Damnit! :-)
@ZShakespeare: +1. Totally agree. Stevie seems to mooch off of what Billy says. Just look at some of the stuff Giz has put up and you'll see.
Damnit now I want to play some Return to Zork. Time to dig out the CDs!
Holy crap. I met Don Daglow @ GDC 2010. Awesome guy. You get that feeling like you've known him for years.
I misread the post title as: "See a 10-Year-Old Fix **FOR** an iPhone Screen for $22"
@Agentmage2012: If you've synced with Google, it doesn't matter. All of your contacts, as long as they have been entered into the phone (and you have auto-sync turned on) are in the cloud. Check your GMail Contacts list to see the new numbers there.
They really improved the Camera UI. Switch to video mode and turn flash on for a flashlight. Kinda hacky, but it works!
@Ironfungus: Yeah, I hate it when werewolves/wolf creatures don't have tails.
@Ninja_peach: "You know what they say...."