Saw it before. Was awesome then. STILL IS awesome now.
Saw it before. Was awesome then. STILL IS awesome now.
Anyone know if any Best Buy stores besides the one in NYC are having a midnight opening/launch?
"Say, what time is it?"
@GunFlame: The Second Coming: Flash/ActionScript 3? Android 2.2 (going to hit this week hopefully) will support Flash 10.1.
My NUBY original Game Boy light died today. Too much corrosion from 4 (four) AAs that are at least 10-15 years old.
To all the naysayers, I still think it's a good thing. More positive news for games.
@Destati: I think they moved their Marketing dept. to NY.
Mmmm...SMG1 mixed with SMW? Sounds like the best dish ever.
Got my preorder slip...can't wait.
@KamWrex: It could be worse: could be CRTs.
Not really sure how useful those two invincibility powerups were. There didn't seem to be a whole lot of enemies to avoid, so it seems like he got them only to look like he was cooler/going faster.
I FINALLY just got mine in the mail. I called them before to see where it was and they said they were overwhelmed by consumer demand. Anyways, the box called it a flipSYNK. (with a K) I got the USBMM one so I could charge my Nexus One. It charges it, but it doesn't connect it to the machine to transfer data.
Is it just me or are those muppet/puppet-things really creepy and lifeless?
The video states that she NEEDED to make 18 months worth of payments on the thing, at $100+/payment.
Maybe his Mom was on a Balance Board and he wanted to exercise? C'mon man, human flesh and blood isn't going to look good for your diet or your Wii Fit Age. /facepalm
@Michael Dukakis: Very nice, VERY nice...! Bravo!