
You are caught in the woke conundrum of being for equal rights for women yet not wanting to offend a muslim so you end up confirming yourself as a total fucking idiot

No. Good try though.

What about the last administration? It wasn’t particularly space friendly, was it? But that doesn’t fit into your narrative, does it?

Quite suddenly, the Moon seems like a more welcoming place. It’s time for us to go back.

Agreed. I’ve lived in California most of my life and have moved all over. I’ve not once been able to find a non-HOA home that wasn’t A: a shit hole, B: in the ghetto or C: anywhere that wouldn’t give me a 1.25 hour commute. Just not easy to find in some places.

They slow down older models based on the identifier number, they all do it.

Planned obsolescence? I’m half-joking.

Please Don’t pander to me, seriously. It’s insulting to me and every reader here who knows better You tried to put one over on us twice and you’re still doing it, still brutalizing the English language to leave “from Russia” in there when it has no fucking business being in there.

Really FTA, WTF? I see no correction because it still says FROM Russia.

I mean wow, I don’t even know where to start. First, this was an honest question, I threw in the Bernie Sanders bit as a part troll, part hey not every white racist likes Trump but I wanted someone to explain why this was terrorism and not a hate crime. How long had this guy been planning this ‘terrorist’ attack out?

I'm sorry but the last story sounds like the very definition of crazy. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I bet both her and her husband have large stable families and have the support to change their lives but refuse to do so and continue to make stupid decisions. I know many

I don't understand the hate your comments (and others like it) are getting. Why can't we blame the parents for shitty choices and, frankly, giving their already existing kids more miserable lives than they already had? Why is it up to the employers to make sure a family can support 7 kids, they don't have to care

You do realize that their quality of life would have been ten times better with only two kids, right?

It reads to me like a pair of adults who are forcing upon themselves and their family all of the so-called "standard" life choices they feel obligated make (buy a house, have lots of kids) despite the obvious reality that their life simply doesn't support that.

Yeah I have to jump on that bandwagon. It sucks that happened but why so many kids? A room for every kid? Eventually you need to look at your lifestyle and see if you can afford it.

So having 8 children is a privilege for the wealthy. How long should he have stayed in a job before having his 8th kid? is 18 months long enough? 2 years? At what point as he had a job long enough to earn your permission to have a family 8 times over?

Methinks you don't understand the following terms: horrible person, tough, decency.

Bitch, please. It's called personal responsibility, and you can't buy it at Walmart.

Don't wait too long.
See: Opening credits of Idiocracy

A year and a half later, we were told he would be laid off in two months. I was seven months pregnant. Our insurance would end two weeks before the baby was due.