
I remember when they installed the Anvil lanes at my alley growing up.. Went from natural wood to half n half.. Took forever to get used to them. (Still have my 15lb blue rhino from 20 some odd years ago.. Use it every Sunday!)

The weight block, how it's drilled, the cover, how you roll it, oil pattern on the lane, wood vs. synthetic lanes.


Sure, say that with a straight face until you do or say something 'they' don't like. Illegal, moral or otherwise.

Thats enough to pay back the Loch Ness monster twice.

That doesn't happen where I live - where lanesharing is legal.

oh look... ASSumptions.

If you pay attention and don't be a dumbass you won't be scared by the thing you should have seen to begin with

that's not the bikers problem.

Thanks. I always wonder if people appreciate the comments . . .

I informed Kathy from Chrysler of this because that's all Bullshit. Dodge is hopefully going to give them a shitstorm for it.

Russian lightning is slower because it was out drinking vodka all night.

L.A. is terrifying.

I agree !!! Shut up & take my hard earned $$$$


The guy who exposed this does not work for the company. His company is in the same field and noticed the change, probably due to vehicles and their occupants getting skewered; the very thing these rail heads were designed to prevent.

One of the more fascinating angles on this story is that a whistleblower brought the issue to light. That employee stands to reap a massive windfall that may bankrupt the company.

don't lump the entire Boston crowd in with this idiot... only about 90% of them behave like him.

A long history of petty hate-crimes?