This x1000. But the truth is American prison isn’t about reform, it’s punishment and getting undesireables out of sight. Positive changes are a hard sell and just get labeled as ‘coddling criminals.’
This x1000. But the truth is American prison isn’t about reform, it’s punishment and getting undesireables out of sight. Positive changes are a hard sell and just get labeled as ‘coddling criminals.’
In the sense that we don’t torture and have an amendment to our constitution that prevents cruel and unusual punishment. Because we are human, and we are above this.
There are many worthy charities to redeem your soul this holiday season, and here is one that doesn’t cost anything:…
I played Wings of Fury on my Apple IIc in college!
I was the master at WoF landings, awesome game!
Wings of Fury. Excellent.
Oh, damn! Totally forgot about this game, and, boy, I really sucked at it.
Goddamnit, is baseball good or isn’t it? Ten minutes ago, we were led to believe it was “cucked.”
She can be fired for expressing her opinions if her employer deems that such opinions reflect badly on the company and could cause its business to suffer. If the company believes she makes them look bad because she publicly espouses revolting viewpoints, then firing her to distance themselves from such viewpoints is a…
I’ll take the over.
Usually, I despise Aramark and their ‘values’..but not this time!
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
Just imagine how she is going to react when someone tells her where pistachios come from...
It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.
Ah, gotcha. Didn’t get that from your OP. Thought you sincerely missed the part where he stated he didn’t want puke monsters gnawing on his ankles. Good to hear it turned out well for your friend. Have seem couples go through that whole mess and it is saddening.
Not to defend him too much, that photo shoot is pretty much indefensible, but he got the vasectomy specifically because he doesn’t want to breed.
Just make sure it’s adult kale and not baby kale. D
Or you can fuck bunches of kale so you dont get anyone pregnant.
Worked on them? He practically created them! []