
The feverish desperation to scour the Harry Potter books for ammunition to use against JK Rowling reminds me of the Grandpa Joe Hate subreddit. Of course, their meanness and lunatic uncharitability is all just an ironic joke.

Maybe you shitheads would benefit from reading what the good people at Campaign Against Antisemitism have to say about this:

What makes you say that? We have drawings of goblins from the Middle Ages. Do you have any drawings of Jews from the same period?

What about Hagrid?

Why is Jon Stewart wasting his time going after a children’s author and some 20 year old movies, rather than his friend Dave Chappelle, who is on Netflix telling jokes about ‘Space Jews’?

Goblins have been a staple of European folklore for about 800 years. Rowling’s description of goblins (which, incidentally, is different from their presentation on the films, which she isn’t responsible for anyway), is perfectly in line with how goblins have been depicted by writers and artists since the Middle Ages.

How is the upcoming ‘Last of Us’ adaptation not on here? It’s set to be the most expensive HBO show ever.

It’s weird how Joe Rogan gets an insane amount of hate for having Alex Jones on a couple of times, while Oprah, who basically gave Dr Oz his entire career, gets almost none, even though Dr Oz is worse. I mean, Dr Oz’s bullshit is more benign than Alex Jones’s, but way more people believe it.

Dany’s heel turn is literally one of the best heel turns ever set up in fiction, it’s not the writers’ fault that most audiences are deeply stupid.”

The birth of a rude password; a journey in seven acts:


trollolololololololoooool 🤣 shut the fuck yp, idiot

you’re literally too stupid to insult.

lmao jussie wanted a pay rise dipshit. shut the fuck up 😂😂😂😂😂

lmao shut the fuck upp

I love Con O’Neill, and I’m sure he would’ve done a great job, but I can’t help but feel happy about this. Offerman seems like an inspired choice for Bill, and I can easily imagine him just absolutely killing it in the role.

A 40 year old man talking about how much weed he smokes is every bit as sad as a 40 year old man talking about how well versed he is in the history of Middle Earth. Actually, it’s sadder. At least knowing where the Orcs came from or whatever might conceivably make you interesting to someone. Middle-aged stoners are

He won’t need to go to college once he’s done suing LeBron 😂

lmao. None of these little cunts has the first clue what actually happened in Kenosha. They probably still think he brought a gun across state lines. Fuck ‘em. They should name a dorm after him.

Speaking of Trinity, Harrison gets a moment to reflect on his formative trauma in an episodic arc that suggests he views his dark passenger as a curse rather than a gift.