
On the surface, Harrison went to extreme ends to stop a potential mass murderer from realizing his destructive goals.

It’s a retarded description, written by an imbecile. Happily, the definition of ‘fascist’ popular with failed screenwriters stuck churning out TV reviews - ‘Anyone with an opinion I don’t like, or, conversely anyone I don’t like with an opinion’ - isn’t shared by historians, sociologists, political scientists, or

In one of them he played a character called Arthur Cockstud. Seriously, google it.

Shut up, cunt.

During his set, the comedian continued to take jabs at pronouns, joking that he’d identify as a woman to get better prison accommodations, and joked about his earlier promise to stop making trans jokes.

As much as many on left the want to paint his actions as the rational decision made by a leftist who was reasonably in fear for his life, it was actually the action of a mentally unstable man with a history of violent crime.”

None. Thankfully, citizen Kyle Rittenhouse righteously ventilated that sack of shit child molester before he could graduate to murder, so that’s not a question we’ll ever need to worry about.

Serious question. How on Earth does one “goad” a sane, unarmed person into charging blindly at someone holding an AR-15? There is literally no force on Earth that could goad me into doing that.

“No, you didn’t read that wrong, and yes, there’s a lot to unpack there. Rittenhouse shot three people who were participating in a protest specifically aimed at rooting out police violence, which is deeply tied to institutional racism”

If Rittenhouse was praying for an opportunity to shoot someone, why did he run away from Rosenbaum?

It was a public protest on public land. He had every bit as much right to be there as anyone else. And you don’t lose your right to self-defence just because some shitbag pedophile decides he doesn’t want you around.

The day a child rapist can’t grab a man’s gun and shoot him with it is the day the Statue of Liberty will walk into the sea.

The Root is just Breitbart for Black racists.

If you’re in the rainforest, and you see a brightly coloured frog, would you pick it up, or would you leave it alone?

Being a snide, passive-aggressive cowardly little pussy is no way to go through life.

It’s not okay for a man to grab a rifle, travel across state lines, and shoot three people and then walk free.”

Rittenhouse didn’t threaten anyone. Wisconsin is an open carry state. Simply holding a gun isn’t a threat, and anyone who takes it as a threat is wrong to do so. That’s what open carry is all about.

Rittenhouse didn’t transport the weapon across state lines. This is a common misconception. A friend in Kenosha was holding it for him. When he actually crossed into Wisconsin he was unarmed.

1. Illegally buying a weapon is 100% irrelevant. Rittenhouse could’ve gotten that gun from MS-13. He’d still be allowed to defend himself with it.

Because if you have a gun, and I come at you anyway, you can reasonably infer two things: