Blind Willy

I spent so much time proving to my boyfriend that Mexico (and specifically Mexico City) was a safe place to visit. I finally won him over and when we got there, he was like “I don’t know why people are so scared of this place.” There are a number of cities in the US that people go to without blinking that are

lol, this reminds me of backpacking / camping trips when on the last day of the trip you find someone’s been hoarding all the rice crispy treats. can’t trust anybody.

Having the aircraft as my workplace means that my colleagues and I have seen see some weird shit (heh...) involving toilets. Oh my the stories...

They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.

its clever engineering but then again Land Rover has a history of clever engineering, sometimes too clever. The end results are insane repair bills, and complicated engineering solutions are that...whats the word...less than reliable. I would hate to have to buy a new bonnet for a disco

Anyone who drives a BMW SUV deserves all the mockery.

Having worked at 911 centers for 18 years - the most important piece of advice for someone calling 911: “Answer the questions the dispatcher asks you in the order they are asked.”

in mother russia, car mount you

in mother russia, car mount you

Don’t let GWB off the hook for the mere fact that he said some words that were less insane than 45's. He was a monster who caused what will probably prove to be centuries of devastation through the Middle East. He also paved the way for 45 - this has to be laid at his feet to some degree.

That was a cut-off maneuver, and his use of a turn signal doesn’t change that. Any merge that FORCES a right-of-way-bearing driver to re-adjust their speed or following distance is a cut-off maneuver. If they see you signalling and VOLUNTARILY change their speed and/or following distance to accommodate you BEFORE you

Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.

Never bigger wheels. Always bigger tires.

The articles here on FA are actually quite good and very informational.

Also see, “Chunk of Funk” same album.

Wow, you are a cluless idiot if you dont think he sings. Also Carlos is way more talented and respected in the music industry than beyonce ever will be. Santanna will be remembered forever where beyonce will go the way of madonna as in “oh yeah i remember her being popular for a bit”

Now playing

Clearly, you’ve not Heard “Fried Neck Bones and some Home Fries”.

“We felt a little afraid for our lives when we were pulled over, so we wanted to prove a point,” one man said in the video that they streamed to Facebook Live.

I truly believe that most of teen America is ignorant to what things like this actually mean. It’s about doing something outrageous, going viral and becoming a fame whore. The more we give them attention the more that they step forward to become “famous”.  I give you exhibit A...

Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.